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    Predator vs Black Chicken, Old Crow Medicine Show?

    When the buzzards are soring, I tell my girls to look alive. When the hawks are flying, I tell them to look heavy. My current flock is 7 Black Aussies, 3 RIR and a BA/RIR cross Rooster. We use frequently moved owls to help deter hawks. The flock also has numerous places to hide if Sweet William...
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    The best rooster I've had was a Black Lace Wyandot named Lord Mark (from a book series). Aside from being the most handsome thing in the county, he was a very attentive Rooster. He led the girls well as they free ranged, even into the edge of the woods. He protected them well, calling them to...
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    large Eggs

    We are planning to cut back the protein a bit, as you suggested. Thanks for confirmation that we are thinking in the right direction. Just have to get to the feed store to get some regular layer pellets to mix with the 22% we've been using. Thinking of doing a half-n-half mix and see what...
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    large Eggs

    I, too have a Large Egg situation... A couple of my girls have recently been laying enormous eggs. The hens are at least 1 year old, possibly three years old, depending on which ones are responsible. They are either Black Aussies or RIRs. At first, there was an occasional giant egg. Then it got...
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    Girl who loves chickens

    Hi, y'all! I've heard about BYC from my aunt who has raised chickens for many years. Looks like a fun and informative place. I started raising my own flock a few years ago with her help. I have a RIR/Black Australorp cross Rooster named... Sweet William. His current harem consists of 3 three...
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