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  1. maddysmamaw

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    Maddy wanted to give her mama something for Mother’s Day so we went out to the garden and picked a big bouquet.
  2. maddysmamaw

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    Three out so far. One seems to have a hernia, so doubtful it will make it, but I don’t want to open the incubator to get it out yet. I always end up putting other hatching chicks in jeapordy when I open the incubator.
  3. maddysmamaw

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    But...I’m spending most of the day hovering over the incubator. It’s hatch day!
  4. maddysmamaw

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    Spent a little time out in the garden today. Not working, just sitting and enjoying the breeze and the scent of freshly opening peonies.
  5. maddysmamaw

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    Nothing, yet. Maybe some thyme or an annual like petunias. The violets are pretty but take over quickly and if you don’t get every piece of root they will come back. I just give up and let them go then pull up what I can in spring. The bees enjoy the early blooms. That, to me, is worth it. The...
  6. maddysmamaw

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    Made some progress
  7. maddysmamaw

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    Working on this section today. There are plants under there, I’m sure. Also a whole lot of wild violets to dig up.
  8. maddysmamaw

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    The late freeze we had this year killed one of my forsythias.
  9. maddysmamaw

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    It’s a garden quince. I keep most of the branches trimmed of because I’m trying to make it grow braided.
  10. maddysmamaw

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    Thank you! That’s my kitchen garden. I am getting it ready for this years herbs and veggies. The oregano, chives and chocolate mint come back every year, but the rest I need to get started soon. I’m already behind, I may have to buy some started plants. I’ll have plenty of tomatoes from the...
  11. maddysmamaw

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    Working in my garden.
  12. maddysmamaw

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    Enjoyed a Modelo under the apple tree whilst conversing with a duck.
  13. maddysmamaw

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    Dos xx
  14. maddysmamaw

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    Booboo and chives.
  15. maddysmamaw

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    We just got a dusting of snow so I’m hoping it didn’t do too much damage to my apple trees, which are in bloom.
  16. maddysmamaw

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    We do, but the birds and such eat them. I wouldn’t know what to do with them. They taste like lemons to me. Sour and hard. I know people make quince jelly, but I’m just lately delving into canning and jelly making. I tried to do mulberry jelly last year and it was good, but I didn’t strain out...
  17. maddysmamaw

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    My little quince is in bloom.
  18. maddysmamaw

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    So. Much. Mud.
  19. maddysmamaw

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    Sometimes the morning glories get a bit out of hand.
  20. maddysmamaw

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    In the summer I have those little yellow tomatoes growing up the gazebo with the help of morning glories.
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