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  1. Hinotori

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Well out of 5 eggs, one was a no start. One died at day 14 or so it looks. Hens fighting over eggs and chicks killed one. One followed a non-broody out of the house and only its yelling saved it because I had to lay down to grab it from underneath. Last eggs looks like it will hatch tomorrow...
  2. Hinotori

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Have to do what is best for them sometimes
  3. Hinotori

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    I am not rural here, even though I live in the country. Our place designated zip code has 35,000 population. It's not a town. If it ever incorporates, we'll probably be separated off because we are not in the urban growth area. We're unincorporated county. There are 17 post offices within 15...
  4. Hinotori

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    They will check here. It's on the forms they require at all the local post offices. Some states are much more strict. Mine definitely is. I know enough people who have shipped. They get testy about type of bird shipping boxes here as well. Only certain ones allowed.
  5. Hinotori

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Silkies are often picked on because they can't see their attackers. They absolutely must be kept in from the rain because the will stand out in it and get soak. They learn to wet their crests so they can see better. Hence the standing in the rain. They will dunk their heads in water for the...
  6. Hinotori

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Unfortunately I can't ship as Im not NPIP
  7. Hinotori

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    You can sort of see partridge markings in full sun. She's off even from the bleached out old ladies who are a lighter partridge. That's very red for a partridge. She does have fairly decent conformation, though.
  8. Hinotori

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    If you were local I'd give her. She's very red with no partridge patterning. I'll probably be putting her up in the local pet quality silkie group.
  9. Hinotori

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    I don't even know what is going on with this pullet's color. She's from full partridge breeding. Such an odd mutation.
  10. Hinotori

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    I leave them in the bator with hobbles only because it has actual corners. Chicks like to back themselves into a corner for support sometimes if a bit weak. I think you're doing what you can
  11. Hinotori

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    I have trouble understanding people on the phone so it helps me. Sometimes I just need a quick reply on something. I still talk with older relatives on the phone. Plus hubby and Mom. If it takes more than a couple sentences, a call is easier. Gen x here.
  12. Hinotori

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    The quicker you get hobbles on, the faster the legs fix. I've hobbled chicks when just dry and was able to remove them the next day
  13. Hinotori

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    I'd hobble immediately. It may fix it. I can't tell if it's actually twisted. May just be splayed
  14. Hinotori

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Eggs aren't done for until you've tried warming them back up and seeing if they keep developing. Ive hatched cracked eggs in the incubator. Just carefully covered the cracks with wax. Accidents happen with broodies sometimes.
  15. Hinotori

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Silkies hatch earlier than LF ameraucana incubated at same temp in my experience. I adjusted temp on mine to get them off day 18-19. I absolutely will still have the turner on (on accident) because there are always early hatchers plus I felt day 17 was too early.
  16. Hinotori

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    They usually hatch earlier for me. I have my incubator temp dialed in for silkies to get them to 20 or 21. I have had the occasional one get past day 21. I'd candle and see what's going on
  17. Hinotori

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Not exactly. 50% of them will carry it. 25% will be single and 25% will only carry walnut. Simple punnet square for it works with this gene.
  18. Hinotori

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Vaulted skull doesn't really have a relation to crest size no matter what some have claimed. Most of my biggest crests have had normal skulls. The crests tend to be rounder without it as well. I don't actively select against it, but also don't select for it so have had less with a vault over the...
  19. Hinotori

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    I haven't had that fault pop up in my birds. I wouldn't use the bird for breeding and both parents would be removed from breeding since it's recessive so both carried it. I do this with most disqualifications. If it's from crossing in another breed for a trait, that takes much time to remove it...
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