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  1. S

    The Honey Factory

    Do honeybees like daylilies? They'll be blooming soon.
  2. S

    The Honey Factory

    Thanks. We have brambles in bloom right now. Wild rose, black raspberries, blackberries. I'm not sure what's blooming next. Hubby really wants honey this year. Me too. I hope I've bought my last gallon of honey from my "bee guy."
  3. S

    The Honey Factory

    We haven't used much smoke, but usually take it with us, just in case. Tomorrow, we are going to remove the Apivar we put in 8 weeks ago. Hubby wants to put on QEs and honey supers. I'll order some Formic Pro for mite treatment later in the season. Here's the thing... the supers are brand new...
  4. S

    The Honey Factory

    I have a big stand of comfrey that my honeybees like... but I see more bumblebees on it than honeybees. Do bumbles drive off honeybees?
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    The Honey Factory

    I have half a dozen that I planted; I've never grown sunflowers before.
  6. S

    The Honey Factory

    Do bees like catalpa trees? We have a huge one, and lots of little ones sprouting underneath.
  7. S

    The Honey Factory

    GOBS of autumn olive here, but there are trees blooming too, so the bees have a veritable plethora of choices. Bee banquet Bee buffet Bee happy bees!
  8. S

    The Honey Factory

    There's a thorn apple in bloom that the bees are working. I know of two trees/shrubs in bloom right now, and one is on our property. I think I've spent about $350-400 in plants for the bees this spring. :eek: Even though Seven Sons is listed as "medium" for deer browsing, they browsed it...
  9. S

    The Honey Factory

    I need to buy another gallon from my bee guy Ed to tide us over until our own. The girls did well on the cherry trees! Lots of cherries developing. There were lots of other types of bees at work too. Yay BEES!
  10. S

    The Honey Factory

    Anyone recognize this? It's the seedling of a basswood tree. I used to pull these, but now I'll pot them up and see if they grow. They might flower for the bees by the time I'm... 75.
  11. S

    The Honey Factory The picture they show on their website is the red bract view. This is...
  12. S

    The Honey Factory

    I got my Seven Sons plants yesterday! They look great; lots of green leaves and good looking stems. I spent the $$ and got the gallon size, so I hope they grow well here.
  13. S

    The Honey Factory

    Ditto! I've never heard of TempQueen, but the idea makes sense.
  14. S

    The Honey Factory

    Wash, let air dry. Pull back into ponytail. Five minutes. Worth it to keep my head warm and unsunburned.
  15. S

    The Honey Factory

    I was able to get one out of my hair, thankfully. That was a week or so ago.
  16. S

    The Honey Factory

    Still haven't been stung.... :oops: I walked over near (ish; 15-20 feet away) the hives. I wasn't suited up, and a bee got stuck in my shirt! I peeled off the shirt and got her out. Didn't care if the neighbors saw me. We're out in the boonies. Look if you want, I don't care.
  17. S

    The Honey Factory

    A friend of mine opened one of his hives to check on the bees. They swarmed right then! He got them back, as they went to a nearby tree/bush.
  18. S

    The Honey Factory

    We had 94% totality, and the bees didn't even seem to slow down. I saw a dozen or so bees around the new hive. I'm guessing orientation flights, and then coming and going.
  19. S

    The Honey Factory

    Interesting. Why? What happens if it doesn't? Or does chlorine not boil out after the sugar is added?
  20. S

    The Honey Factory

    So, what do bees do during an eclipse? It'll be about 94% total here, and I plan to go sit in the field, up on the hill. I have eclipse glasses, and was thinking of taking field glasses to look down on the hive as it gets darker.
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