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  1. DonyaQuick

    Growing my little flock

    These little floofs are amazing. They are so much less athletic than every other batch of chicks I've had though LOL right now I could probably keep them contained in just a 4" high square on the floor. They are being very temperature hardy though for only being a week old. Mites are getting...
  2. DonyaQuick

    Growing my little flock

    Grain mites are so gross...they are a seasonal pestilence in my area because of how wet the summers are - they just come in from the outside to whatever feed is there. Nothing I've tried to far works on them either except rubbing permethrin powder into areas of wood where they tend to...
  3. DonyaQuick

    Growing my little flock

    Still can't figure out what these mites are or exactly how they had a population boom so fast. It's driving me nuts. And they get on EVERYTHING so fast - I got covered in mites from treating Scruffy earlier today, thew my clothes in a plastic hamper to wash them, and within only a couple minutes...
  4. DonyaQuick

    Growing my little flock

    Well the cursed year holds true to a degree...went out for a couple hours today having checked scruffy and her chicks, and came home to find her enclosure looking like a mite bomb went off. She and her chicks were out of the nest and didn't want to touch anything wooden - for a good reason, if I...
  5. DonyaQuick

    Growing my little flock

    Since the lip on the nest box was apparently too high for the chicks to traverse easily, that wadded up towel ramp I used this morning has been upgraded to stairs. These seem to work well.
  6. DonyaQuick

    Growing my little flock

    Very glad for Scruffy and the bean duo being easy right now. Those lot are going to be my stress relief. Main flock is peaceful but Dimple and Junior have somehow figured out I have chicks in the house and are being nutty. Both of them LOVE chicks, Junior especially.Seeing/hearing chicks makes...
  7. DonyaQuick

    Growing my little flock

    Well that was easy...just darkened the room in the late evening, take an egg, place a chick, and repeat. They stayed under her all night. And then this morning: Having actual broody hatches to compare to, I can tell that her unbroody-ing state is just a bit out of sync with the chicks'...
  8. DonyaQuick

    Growing my little flock

    Healthy chicks are here! They gave me one extra. All are eating and drinking well. Currently trying to stop Scruffy from hearing the peeping until after dark to do the egg-chick swap.
  9. DonyaQuick

    Growing my little flock

    Well, I sure feel like a fool...the Goob still has both eyeballs! Not sure what horrific thing I was looking at that first day but it clearly was not his actual eyeball. Maybe that inner eyelid?? I have no idea but it was bad enough to convince me there couldn't have been an intact eye still...
  10. DonyaQuick

    Growing my little flock

    Man, I swear I've been cursed this year or something...Goober just got badly injured. If he survives, he'll lose an eye for sure. It wasn't a fight that did it, although Squeak did attack him right after because something weird and scary happened, but that wasn't what did the damage. Goober just...
  11. DonyaQuick

    Growing my little flock

    It's actually surprisingly light compared to what I expected. I don't have a way to weigh it exactly, but it's certainly a lot easier to shift around than a standard size feed bag or even a single cinderblock. Probably a bit more than what it's like carrying a couple gallons of milk, so I'm...
  12. DonyaQuick

    Growing my little flock

    Prepping for chicks...built a new, very sturdy 3x2x2 enclosure with 1/4in HWC to use for integration. It's big enough I can also put a nest box in it to get Scruffy used to being in the house for a couple days prior. Assuming she accepts the chicks, I'd then move her with them into the 4x4x4...
  13. DonyaQuick

    Growing my little flock

    🎶 The beaaaans are back in town! 🎵 Coco's pretty much un-broodied and there are some HOT days on the horizon where it will be a lot healthier for her to be outside in the shade and breeze than in the broiling house. I decided I didn't want to risk another random brawl between Coco and Scruffy...
  14. DonyaQuick

    Growing my little flock

    I feel like I should document what I did with Chungus a bit ago, in part because I just had to repeat it with Goober the past few days, and google was about zero help in both cases. So...maybe this post will turn up in someone else's googleage some time later. Long story short: I think Chungus...
  15. DonyaQuick

    Growing my little flock

    OMG this year continues to kick my butt in weird ways! Things were calming down. My husband is working on a new bachelor flock setup, Tengu and Squeak are starting to settle out with see-but-no-touch, Goober is periodically revenge-pooping on Squeak WHY IS HE SO WEIRD being himself, and Vanilla...
  16. DonyaQuick

    Growing my little flock

    With my luck I'm kind of expecting an oops boy somewhere in the mix...I've read cochins are one of the less accurate ones like BOs for whatever reason. Still, an accidental boy or two would still be a better outcome for me than either mostly/all boys from a small hatch or getting half cockerels...
  17. DonyaQuick

    Growing my little flock

    I saw Cackle had a couple types of sexed large size cochin available at basically the perfect time for I went for the partridge ones. Cochins were on my radar since Vanilla Bean's dad was a lovely large cochin, but I'd previously thought my only options for something like big...
  18. DonyaQuick

    Growing my little flock

    Took the plunge and did my first mail order for a few chicks…should be timed pretty well with Scruffy’s broodiness since it will be end of the month. Now the nail biting begins since I have never done this before lol.
  19. DonyaQuick

    Growing my little flock

    Looks like the most responsible thing at this point given the bachelor boy drama may drag out is to do pullets for Vanilla Bean and try to do the ol' switcheroo at night properly with broody Scruffy. Means I have to find a mail order option that will be timed well with Scruffy's broody cycle...
  20. DonyaQuick

    Growing my little flock

    Roos are totally hard mode like everyone says, at least standard sized ones sure are, but I do love 'em. I think my husband wondered for a while what insanity I'd fallen into trying to do a bachelor flock, since basically all of my roos/cockerels went through a husband-biting phase, but I think...
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