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  1. S

    2024 New Year's Resolution?

    How would you know if they don't tell you? Until you've had bloodwork done, it's all unfamiliar territory. Just like any other new thing. Geesh. I'm surprised that the person who said it's fine didn't know better!
  2. S

    2024 New Year's Resolution?

    Are you serious??? I get told/asked 5 ways from Sunday that I have to fast for the blood work. When they make the appointment (a year in advance, haha), when I arrive, when I have my physical, when I go into the lab for the blood draw. Ok, so that's only 4. Still.
  3. S

    2024 New Year's Resolution?

    I'm glad I like oatmeal. I read that it can take 3-6 months for your body to "clear out" cholesterol from your blood, so that your test numbers are better. I have about 5 months until my next physical/blood test. I googled "foods to reduce cholesterol," and oatmeal was mentioned in everything I...
  4. S

    2024 New Year's Resolution?

    Hubby and I are still working out on the elliptical, every day. He missed 2 days when he was gone, and took one day off after pulling (very wet, heavy) snow off the roof. I couldn't blame him for that at all. My iphone doesn't count the elliptical as "steps." :tongue I'm still having oatmeal...
  5. S

    2024 New Year's Resolution?

    This person said that her mom "Thought she would live to be 100, so she ate food she didn't like and did stuff she didn't want to do. She still died in her 80s." I replied with the oft-used line, "If I'd known I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself." "But she...
  6. S

    2024 New Year's Resolution?

    My health is MY responsibility! I have felt that way for years. If I eat crap food, don't get enough sleep or exercise, and my body falls apart, I have myself to blame. I have been blessed with good health, and I know I am VERY lucky in that regard. But I do what I can to maintain it too. A...
  7. S

    2024 New Year's Resolution?

    I've been taking fish oil supplements for years. I don't know what caused my cholesterol to go up. But it's enough to worry me, and I will NOT take drugs to lower it. So it's exercise and diet, which are totally under my control. I just have to do it.
  8. S

    2024 New Year's Resolution?

    We've been sticking to the elliptical workouts, every day. Hubby had 2 days off when he was out of town. Even after marathon shoveling sessions, still doing the elliptical. I've had oatmeal for breakfast M-F, and often once for dinner over the weekend. I read it can take 3-6 months for your...
  9. S

    2024 New Year's Resolution?

    I am so glad you realized this. The older I get, the more I need people who have known me for a long time. Siblings and parents are the people who will have known you all or nearly all of your life. If you have a good relationship with them, do whatever you can to bridge gaps of time and space...
  10. S

    2024 New Year's Resolution?

    :hugs :hugs :hugs I totally agree. I made some "new day" resolutions a couple weeks ago. They are to help me be overall healthier this year. Most resolutions require self discipline. I read this quote many years ago: Self discipline is deciding what you want. You can think short term: Do I...
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