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  1. Finnie


    Congratulations DS Faraday!! :clap
  2. Finnie


    There’s this thread: But that might not be the breed you meant.
  3. Finnie


    Found it! 👍🏻
  4. Finnie


    Off topic, but @MeanCheek , are these Swedish Flower Hens? :love
  5. Finnie


    He does appear to be quite more yellowy than the other one. Do you know whether there are gold spangled spitzes in his ancestry?
  6. Finnie


    He could be. I think there are other factors that can make a white bird have some yellow? Is he a Spitz? Maybe if you post his photo, we can tell? A pure silver rooster over a gold hen will produce all silver girls and silver/gold boys (The / means “split to”.) This is where it could be tricky...
  7. Finnie


    Correct All the females will be gold, all the males will be silver split to gold. That means the males hatch yellow and grow up to be white with yellow leakage. (The females hatch red or orange.) I am no expert, but I understand it, so hopefully I can explain it properly. The gold gene is...
  8. Finnie


    I agree. I see one male and one female.
  9. Finnie


    Wow! I really love the uniform speckling on his breast.
  10. Finnie


    So sorry for you. I know your pain. That was the same night I forgot to close one of my coops, too. So mad at myself. I lost an Easter Egger pullet and a cockerel. :hugs
  11. Finnie


    I forgot to even look at comb and wattles. I saw his spikey white hackles and thought “boy”.
  12. Finnie


    Public Service Message: (Please forgive me for the nit picky spelling correction :oops:) An easy way to remember how to spell Dalmatian, is to think of it like you would any other common nationality, like American, Australian, Scandinavian, etc. No O in any of those. Normally I just bite my...
  13. Finnie


    I don’t know anything about chamois color genetics, but I would guess it is gold-based. Silver and gold are sex linked, with silver being mostly dominant to gold. So then it will depend on which parent is the silver and which is the gold. Either way, the sons will all be silver split to gold...
  14. Finnie


    Well, if she has a glitch and makes a smaller egg, then there is less surface area for her limited amount of calcium to cover. So the smaller eggs will have thicker shells. For the same reason, the smaller eggs might be a darker brown. When there is a glitch, everything will be abnormal, color...
  15. Finnie


    Do you have adult hens in this coop too? Sometimes an adult hen will lay smaller than usual eggs. If she has a glitch in her system, that could account for eggs coming closer together, i.e., more than one in a day. And also account for why they are smaller than normal. I think 14 weeks old is...
  16. Finnie


    How long do you plan to keep them separated? If Moonshine seems interested in adopting them, you could do a trial meeting, and then decide whether they have to stay locked up or could integrate right away. When I am hatching weekly, I put new chicks in a small brooder within my chick raising...
  17. Finnie


    Thanks. Yes, it's nice to just tell by the crest which one it is. Your two are kind of similar. One with a more black crest and one with extra white mixed in. My girls have opposite tails. The black crest one has very few markings on her tail, the light crest one has more black on the tail. Kind...
  18. Finnie


    Looking good. Nothing male jumps out at me either. Mine kept me guessing well beyond 14 weeks. But I am glad to finally report that both Hanni and Heidi get to keep their names! Not the best photos, but here they are (along with Helmut, who has turned out better looking than I had expected.)...
  19. Finnie


    These are awesome pictures! I can't believe you had time to get your camera and get back there while there was still time to get these shots. She is a beautiful pullet, and your neighbor has a nice looking cow. Nice for photo composition that both subjects are black and white. ;)
  20. Finnie


    Picture overload time. Bear with me, it's hard to know which thumbnails on my phone I should click or not click when I upload files. Might err on the side of too many. ;) So my Spitzhaubens are coming up on 14 weeks. Surely if my pullets are late blooming boys, they can't be much later than...
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