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  1. paris_r

    d'Uccle color genetics

    are blue ears a 'problem'? i have a few purebreds that have them.
  2. paris_r

    d'Uccle color genetics

    does the gray sort of match porcelain gray?? that could be a factor, if so now you have to add lavender to the equation! i would try to compare to mine but i have about 50 or so at different stages of development-none are more than 6 months old and i want to see what their final adult molt will...
  3. paris_r

    d'Uccle color genetics

    wow those sound different than mine-especially the blue in the splash. it really sounds like your genetic wildcard has to be the splashes. according to a few other web pages the golden necks are 'aka'd splashes -which makes sense in the mottled/mille fleur spectrum, but once you have an actual...
  4. paris_r

    d'Uccle color genetics

    when you say splash what do you mean-do you have a photo? the mottling gene is recessive -so one would expect all of yours to have white tips (and you should have gotten blue millies too)-unless the splash is the issue. which are hens and which are roosters? in the US most suppliers use the...
  5. paris_r

    d'Uccle color genetics

    any one want to weigh in on these? dads are brow reds and moms could be golden neck, white or black mottled (least likely) they appear to be splash but a few have dark skin spots associated with the feather colour.
  6. paris_r

    d'Uccle color genetics

    this is Antoine and a hen i have yet to name. the hen is about 9 months old right now. she was supposed to be a red brown, but as you can see she has some odd pattern. what is the term for the feather shaft being pale? i am breeding her to him as this will produce a solid (with perhaps some...
  7. paris_r

    d'Uccle color genetics

    i have both a solid lav and a porcelain roo, i was speaking of the solid in what you quoted me for. i am not trying to achieve lav right away (i do have a lav hen too but she is in my 'personality' pen right now), i really want blacks with (good) recessive mottled patterns in them as they...
  8. paris_r

    d'Uccle color genetics

    how does that work out? wouldnt a lavender over a millie produce solid black? were there some genes hiding in them (not hatchery stock?) right now in my pattern pen i have blue millie, millie and GN hens covered by a porcelain, black mottled and a lavender roo - i was expecting to easily isolate...
  9. paris_r

    d'Uccle color genetics

    well for the first part-their 'blues' you obviously arent referring to their self blue, so i am not sure, as i said i have yet to see a 'real' splash d'uccle anywhere, but is it because no one puts the effort into it? could it be linked to a loci near a lethal gene and thus none ever live...
  10. paris_r

    d'Uccle color genetics

    that is Antoine his son is pictured above, they are golden necks but Antoine is really washed out, so probably his mother was also a GN like his dad here
  11. paris_r

    d'Uccle color genetics

    i am at the mercy of my information sources. some of my birds do originate from the ideal line and do behave like B/B/S in breeding, in fact i have a few of the GN's with occasional black or blue partial feathers (see pic below). outside the US a buff mottled is said to exist. i have never had...
  12. paris_r

    d'Uccle color genetics

    well that may answer my question from a while back, i also called ideal and they didnt respond. it looks like the white is a single dominant white gene since what you get is a white bird with bleed through from other genes. according to the chicken calculator you had a 50% chance of getting a...
  13. paris_r

    d'Uccle color genetics

    yes, here use this link if you use the selection on the bottom half you can specify mille fleurs in the B/B/S spectrum. a splash mille fleur is known as a Golden Necked
  14. paris_r

    d'Uccle color genetics

    have a black mottled and breed it to a golden necked or a blue mille fleur. i will be having lots of those when everyone begins to lay -i have about 10 GN hens
  15. paris_r

    d'Uccle color genetics

    i was wondering if too much feathering is a default too? i have a rooster that has insane amounts(see pic -taken from inside the leg looking out, its not best cause he was wet at the time) -all 4 toes and a lot tight on the shank -is that a problem? i was going to use him to breed to hens...
  16. paris_r

    d'Uccle color genetics

  17. paris_r

    d'Uccle color genetics

    a series of questions here-please help as i am trying to figure out my breeding pens, so they can set up socially for a few months first. one big question that i want to know from people who have bred the white duccles is is it dominant, recessive or semidom? (dont know what to put into the...
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