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  1. MEMama3

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I'm still in the planning phase (we still have 2' of snow), but my plans may be in vain. We are suppose to regrade the property to allow for full sized windows downstairs. Well finances being what they Are, it may not happen this year. Unfortunately I can't do my new vegetable and fruit beds...
  2. MEMama3

    What did you do in the garden today?

    funny note: did you know that despite being legal to buy in all states, many states make it illegal (as in felony) to grow them. I saw an article awhile back where this woman was busted by the dea for growing poppies in her heirloom gardens.
  3. MEMama3

    What did you do in the garden today?

    it's funny. In the past I never thought about little bits of stuff on the ground. Now with poultry, if I drop a staple I spend all sorts of time searching and sporting that I won't find it but one of them will.
  4. MEMama3

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I am hatin'! Lol. At this rate I'm thinking the snow will be gone sometime in mid-August.
  5. MEMama3

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Have you all heard of winter sowing? It applies mostly to us northeners. (Not to shamelessly promote my blog but...) I did a blog post about it a little while back. It works great and let's you do a bit of gardening when theres still several feet of snow on the ground...
  6. MEMama3

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Ditto! It's been insane here. We've regularly gotten negative double digits during time. I have my beds planned, seeds ordered and calender filled out. Come on spring!!!
  7. MEMama3

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Definitely not boring. That is so neat. I could have kept watching for another hour. I even called my husband to see the chickens just hanging out with the kangas. I'm jealous! Maybe if our mama moose comes back this winter I'll try to get a video. She has had twins right off our property for...
  8. MEMama3

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Are kangaroos in Australia like deer in the US? If they can reach it, they can eat it. This may sounds silly and childlike, but I think it would be so cool to look out and see kangaroos in the backyard. We have moose which are pretty awesome, but no kangaroos. :-)
  9. MEMama3

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I FINALLY got around to putting my garlic in the ground only to discover it had molded. I think I managed to save a few scapes, but in was very disappointed.
  10. MEMama3

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Are the vines and leaves sitting right on the ground? Sometimes the moisture from the ground causes mold. Try putting some plastic down under the vines.
  11. MEMama3

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Ah, I tend to forget that while I'm prepping for winter there are those of you entering spring. I was seriously jealous reading all the posts of planting and seedlings. One more layer of leaf litter and my veggie garden is ready for its long winter nap. I just started cleaning up my perennial...
  12. MEMama3

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I was a garden master today. I added my final soil amendments into the veggie garden today and turned them in (last turning for the season). Tomorrow I'm setting the kids up so they can harvest worms from the worm farm for me to put in the garden. After worms are added, I've got a huge pile of...
  13. MEMama3

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I've had a temporary gate for four years. It apparently isn't high on my to do
  14. MEMama3

    What did you do in the garden today?

    My mom is coming by so we can pick the rest of the apples. We're making Apple butter today. Yum yum!
  15. MEMama3

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Any place with a garden center (home depot, lowes, walmart, local nursery) will have it. It comes in squares or long lengths. Be sure to check the dimensions before buying! I had to cut a square into three lengths and it's harder than it should be.
  16. MEMama3

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I'm envious!
  17. MEMama3

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I have found that the eating of the plants is not where the problem comes from. As you thought, they are too interested in the bugs and such to bother them. The problem comes from them digging and scratching at the base of the plants. They WILL uproot plants given enough time. I have cheap...
  18. MEMama3

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Now THIS is how you garden with chickens: My pitiful peppers and tomatoes are still in there, but they are so busy knocking down piles that they don't even seem to notice. They are doing quick work of tilling in the compost. I have held off adding the other amending materials until I get...
  19. MEMama3

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I put two big wheelbarrow full piles of compost in the veggie garden then set the ladies free. In one day they had it completely knocked down, spread out and tiller in. Does anyone know if I van add amendments like blood meal while they are digging through there?
  20. MEMama3

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I pulled all carrots and potatoes. I scrapped the melons. I also pulled my marigolds and planted them in the gaps of my perennial beds. After the tomatoes are finished doing their thing, I'll amend the soil and send in the chickens. I really hope next year goes better. Other than potatoes and...
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