broody jail

  1. Australorpfamily

    Broody not breaking, day four

    Goldie, our olive egger is attempting to brood. We have moved her original broody jail to on top of the rooster(who is in our only dog crate- I'm not chasing him again in less than two weeks to take him to auction (he's too big for me to snatch from roost bars easily, I tried before he was...
  2. zimileih

    Can I put two broodies together in broody jail?

    I have two broody hens currently. One has been broody for a month. I keep pulling her off the nest multiple times a day but she not giving up. The other has been at it for a little over a week. I think at this point I need to put them in a dog kennel with food and water. Could I put them both in...
  3. lilmillefleur

    Can I put two hens in one broody jail?

    :frow Just wondering if I could do my hens all at once or only one at a time :) thanks!
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