chicken pics!

  1. TyRi

    TyRi’s flock updates as we go!

    I’m going to try to remember to take more pictures and keep some documentation as they grow! At around 10-12 weeks as of right now by my guess. 3 Pearl Stars were significantly bigger than the rest when we got them so Im guessing they are on the older side while the rest are right around 10...
  2. marsmallowthesilkie

    Beautiful hen pictures

    I love when other people send pics of their hens or roosters! But I already did roosters and now, I'm doing hens! The pic is my Golden Comet hen, Jojo McDodd
  3. 5

    ~ Chicken-Share-athon ~

    Hey there! I love looking at pictures of chickens, especially fellow chicken keeper's flocks. So, I decided, just for fun, to start a Chicken-Share-athon (instead of marathon)! ~ Chicken-Share-athon ~ Post a picture or pictures of your chooks being chooks below. React to other fellow chicken...
  4. G

    First time out a DOUBLE!

    This is my first time raising chickens. I noticed that one of my 4 girls, Dexi, was getting kinda fluffy in the butt and her face was coloring nicely. She is only 124 days old today. Still, I put the nesting box on the coop this Sunday afternoon. Dexi started going in and trying it out for...
  5. Nats Chickens

    I want your chicken pics!

    Hi guys, I enjoy drawing (that does NOT nessiceraly mean I am good at it) and I would like pictures of your chickens to draw. I would prefer full body shots but heads and things are okay. I am not that great at chickens and I want to practice and make cartoons. So could you please post some of...
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