duck foot

  1. Kerya

    Duck foot injury / illness, need advice

    Recently the humidity has been harder to control in my duck house than usual, and now my boys feet don’t look good. I’m assuming the humidity + cold has done it, or helped do it ? I don’t fully believe it’s bumble foot as some of these cut like things have a scaly / ridged sort of texture. I...
  2. Launchpad

    Red spots on Pekin duck feet

    Checking my large male Pekin Niles last bought nieces a small scab, didn't look like bumblefoot. Left him in his pen overnight. This morning the scab was hanging off so in went to make a soak. When i finally caught him, he hadv these red spots on both feet, that can be seen on both top and...
  3. Ellyhutch

    Does this look like the start of bumblefoot?

    One of my little girls is limping and avoiding standing on her left foot. The bottom looks a bit swollen but no open sores or scabs. I checked all my other birds and they look fine, as does her other foot. Thoughts? What could I do at this early stage (if it is bumblefoot) or if it's something...
  4. AshleyThom

    Duck foot problem!

    Elvis started limping today and I noticed this. It’s basically a massive callus. I researched bumblefoot and it doesn’t appear to be that, then again I’ve never seen bumblefoot in person. Any ideas? So far I’ve soaked his feet in epsom salt and applied bag balm. I’ve including a picture of Elvis...
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