elector psp

  1. Ajp23

    How quickly does elector PSP kill mites/lice?

    I’ve discovered poultry lice and have sprayed elector psp on each bird and in the coop after cleaning. I’ve found many threads stating this is a one time application - have you found that to be true or should I plan on treating again? Also, how long does it take to kill the lice? Do the nits...
  2. Angelove

    Most effective application method for treating DUCKS for Northern Fowl mites and Red Poultry mites?

    Most information and discussions about this revolve around chickens. Ducks have such dense waterproof feathers and different bathing, preening and foraging habits, so I am specifically asking for duck information from people who have experience treating ducks. My main question is about the...
  3. Phospho

    Epic Battle against Lice

    I have 7 chickens, and they all have varying degrees of lice. I've been battling them since August. Here's what I've been doing, and what I'm planning on doing: When I first noticed them, I started doing what I did last time this happened: I switch them from one pen to another every week...
  4. J

    Treatment of coop for red mites.

    I keep reading elector PSP is the best spray to treat a coop for red mites, is there anything more affordable out there that actually works? Has anyone had any luck with ivermectin?
  5. Chickenma65

    Elector psp dried

    I have elector psp that dried up. Is there a way to save this or is it no good?
  6. G

    Sick Chicken, IDK what to do. Please help.

    Hey ya'll. I'm a new chicken mom, a little back story to how we got here. I got 5 chicks from a lady who hatches them off a local FB group. They were all happy and healthy, 2 turned out to be cockerels and I could keep them due to city laws. At the time when I got the chicks the woman assured me...
  7. krissyweso

    Elector PSP: How Often to Use, Safe to Use with Permethrin?

    Updated with some answers (in red)! Good day, chicken friends! I recently adopted this sweet girl. After bathing her (she was CAKED with feces), I noticed a large, mite-infested bump on her head. I've checked around her vent, under her wings, on her neck, etc, and it seems like the mites...
  8. C

    Elector PSP in Laundry (Children in Home)

    I bought some Elector PSP for our chicken coop mites. I bought the vial at the feed store and put it in my canvas bag for safekeeping. Well, it leaked. I didn’t want to throw the bag away so I threw it in the wash. We are about ten loads past that day and the drum still smells like Elector PSP...
  9. J

    Tropical Rat Mite (Ornithonyssus bacoti) problem

    Hi everyone, thank you for looking at my post and potentially trying to help me find an answer to my dilemma. I live in the Bay Area and in the past few years there have been an upsurge in Tropical Rat Mites (Ornithonyssus bacoti). In the past hour or so I stumbled upon Elector PSP and have...
  10. Neuroscigirl

    Lice eggs concern

    I have treated with Elector PSP for lice (please leave off your comments about elector psp not being labeled for use on lice, thanks) and I see zero live lice but there are still eggs at the base of the feathers. When will those fall off? Do I need to treat again? Feeling very paranoid about...
  11. Neuroscigirl

    Elector PSP - two questions!

    Some of my flock have lice 😬. I treated everyone and the entire coop (after I stripped it) with poultry lice dust while I waited for my Elector PSP to arrive. It arrived today and I treated all my birds thoroughly with that. I saw no live lice but there were definitely eggs and I made sure to...
  12. CstpSSDGM

    Elector PSP safe for chicks?

    Hello, Does anyone know if Elector PSP is safe to use on my baby chicks? The chicks are only a day or two old but the flock has a nasty mite infestation. Thanks in advance!
  13. Bugpreisler

    Is it always serious?

    Hello everyone my name's Rebecca! I'm new to BYC and raising chickens! BIT of background: I raised 5 day old chicks. At 7 weeks one turned out to be a rooster that I sadly had to rehome due to zoning regulations. To keep our flock number at 5 we decided to rescue a similar age pullet (6-7...
  14. traco

    Whitewash after red mite treatment?

    I've been battling red mites in my coop. New build this year, new pullets, virgin ground. Used Elector PSP, proper dosage. Still coming back, so I should treat coop again and 7-10 days from now for new hatchings? Can I do a whitewash treatment inside the coop today also or should I wait? What...
  15. traco

    Elector PSP and whitewash?

    We ordered the Elector end of July. First treatment did 2.5 ml. to a litre mixed well and mixed whilst spraying. 3 days later still had mites. The next three times, we mixed 3 ml. to a litre (the dosing on the bottle says 9 ml. to a gallon ... so our dose was correct). The last two hubby...
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