hurt hen

  1. SwimingWithTheGeese

    Hen got attacked by a bobcat

    Hello all, my lovely hen recently got attacked by a bobcat but was saved thankfully but this morning she’s not doing too good, she’s sitting with her head down and eyes closed and it seems like she’s doing everything to just every breath, she has a couple big spots where her feathers were...
  2. BrahmaMom1797

    Hen with broken toe. Need splint advice.

    Hello all! I’m posting for a friend. One of her three hens recently learned how to get into the garden which had been closed off to her a few weeks back. Her mother had put several rat traps in the garden, one of which she had stepped onto. The hen now has a definite broken toe and I was...
  3. ChocolateWingTheRooster

    Help! Limping hen!

    Help me out! My sapphire gem hen, Diamond, was limping today. She also had her tail quite low... 1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) Sapphire gem. She’s one year old. Not exactly sure about her weight, however, she did seem a...
  4. strawberricatt

    Hen Been Attacked?!

    I have a hen named Lacy who has been attacked by something. I went into the room where we store feed/hay and milk the goat(and where my rebel chickens, who refuse to live in the main coop no matter how hard I try... roost) I saw blood over the place where they roost, and a trail to where the...
  5. Portlandchic

    Will someone help me with this....?

    I have an Americauna hen who has sprained/strained her right leg and carries her tail feathers down at times. Yesterday, she ate some hand fed scrambled egg, today, she won't. The other hens might attack her at times....I am trying to keep her separated, but there is an entire chicken yard for...
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