raising roosters

  1. Tyrannosaurus_Pecks89

    I would like a rooster 🐓

    *** Important Edit: I am looking for solutions not a 101 lesson on chicken keeping (which I have been doing successfully for 5 years). I am also not looking for Goody-two-shoes whining at me for not following the local zoning rules. If you comment without helpful solutions; expect me to be...
  2. Jasfarm

    Rooster Help - Aggressive or Just Learning

    Hello BYC! Thank you to the articles on roosters and flock management - they have kept me from posting here 86 times! @Pyxis @Redhead Rae I have a mixed flock of 13. 4 - Lavender Orps: 14 months 1 - Buff Orp: I think 4 years. We adopted her and her sister… 1 - Ameracuana: Jeannie is...
  3. Sparkzthechickenkeeper

    Raising roosters

    Hey, so I’m raising chicks, I don’t know the sexed and they’re too young to tell, but is there a way to raise the chicks, rooster or hen to be gentle and nice? Obviously a lot of care is going to help but I was wondering if anyone had any tips or experiences they could share?
  4. Diveks

    Tips on raising a nice roo

    hey everyone so im raising 5 chicks and 3 of them turned out to be cocks, 2 campines started crowing and my one brahma started growing a comb somewhat early. They are now 6-8 weeks. well i am thinking of keeping the brahma as my roo as my two campines keep terrorizing the pullets, while the...
  5. amymae1100

    Rooster Hen Ratio

    So apparently now have 1 silkie cockerel:idunnoas well as a cochin that is working on crowing at the moment. Total, I will have 4 regular sized girls and 2 banty hens (2 toms too, but I don't count them because they could care less about the whole thing lol). Can I keep the cochin and the silkie...
  6. Chickem707

    Raising a rooster.

    A lot of people have different experiences with roosters, and of course there are a lot of different acting roosters, but today I wanna write about my experience with some. Of course this may not work for everybody’s birds, but it’s worked for mine so worth a try, right? So I’ve had both my...
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