respiatory congestion

  1. K

    Help bad respiratory issues

    I have a five month old hen that I noticed me a couple times in the last week but thought nothing of it and last night I came home to her struggling to breathe wheezing and lots of sneezing. I want to get her and the whole flock started on antibiotics, what is everybody’s recommendation? I know...
  2. Jakemedic

    Hen with severe respiratory issues, sudden onset

    Hello! My hen “Chip” is suddenly sick. She is a Barnevelder who just had her year birthday the end of April. She has a sudden onset of sneezing, coughing, inspiratory and expiratory wheezing. She is cyanotic around her face. The good news is she is not lethargic, eating and drinking. She did...
  3. edenking48

    Gurgling Hens

    We are experiencing a bit of an issue in our coop. Not sure if it’s the wet weather we’ve had, new chicks being introduced (they were quarantined for a week with no issues), or something wild birds brought in. One hen died pretty much out of no where. The next day I noticed a hen sounded like...
  4. N

    Duck panting and over heating

    I have a week and a half old duckling. It seems to always overheat. I don’t like the cold so my house is always set to about 75-76 degrees. When I turn the heat lamp on for even a few minutes he completely overheats and starts panting and breathing with his mouth open. I know I’m not supposed to...
  5. C

    Help! A bunch of my chicks has signs of respiratory disease

    I have 10 chicks. Half are 2 weeks old the other have 3 weeks old. Last week one of the 2 week olds started sneezing which made me concerned. I reached out to where she came from and they suggested VetRX. I held off because it kinda stopped. Then i noticed another one sneezing. Now tonight a...
  6. D

    HELP please… Dosing/Administration instructions needed

    I have a 9mo old SLW rooster who presented a day ago with mild clear discharge from his left eye and nostril but was behaving normally. The following day, today, the discharge had stopped but he’d developed a slight, intermittent gurgle (still acting otherwise normal) but by the evening had...
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