yellow liquid

  1. Goosey Girl

    HELP: What should I do next???

    I think there isn't anything else I can do ??? This egg never lost the weight even though low humidity and daily cooling and spritzing. Honestly, didn't think it would make it this far. About 12 hours ago I noticed that it externally pipped, NOT in the air cell. (This egg with abnormally...
  2. Fowlmamabird

    HELP: breathing issue, yellow liquid and weakness

    Hi all, I’m new and somewhat experienced but struggling on how else to treat my hen. Lily started separating herself about 4-5 days ago and I separated her about 3 days ago and began treating her for eggbound. Flushed her with lube to see if an egg broke inside because she had her tail down and...
  3. D

    Please help! Why did yellow liquid come out of my duck’s vent while she was laying?

    Is this normal? What could cause this? A good amount of yellow liquid came out while she was laying. The liquid smelled and looked like pee. There wasn’t anything sticky in it and she’s acting fine though. Her poop is usually dark brown because of her main feed and it’s often dry. It’s been...
  4. Cierabug


    My red star hens abdomen has been red and swollen for the past three days. Her vent and abdomen are red and can be seen straining. I tried to feel for an egg, but didnt feel anything. She has stopped trying to leave the coop an now just sits down all day with her eyes closed. She also has yellow...
  5. Keeperoflock

    Sick Hen... Need Help... Pics Included

    I have a six-month-old leghorn pullet that is acting sick. She is lethargic but will walk a little bit but mostly just kind of stands in one place. When I put them out for their evening free range she wasn’t interested in eating grass which is very unusual for her. When she walks it looks like...
  6. saikkia

    HELP! Yellowish liquid in nest box, usually accompanied with soft-shelled egg

    Hi everyone, I have a New Hampshire Red that just started laying about 2 eggs ago. But she has been laying mostly soft-shelled eggs, we tried up provide oyster shell and laying feed (contains oyster shell as well) but she still sometimes lay soft-shelled eggs. From what I gathered, new laying...
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