Dealing with emotions of a botched kill

OK thank you all, I am convinced I should knock my chickens out before I kill them from now on. So what is the best way?

Also is there any way to just inject some sort of humane and painless chicken euthanasia in a hen or rooster that you can't/won't eat, because they're dying of some illness, or you just don't eat your birds? Like when you go to the vet to "put down" your cat or dog?
Congrats to the OP. They did good, it's easy to get attached. I personally will use a hatchet when it comes time. Back in the day they used to twist the heads off.

*as to the idea (or law) of knocking a chicken out first sounds incredibly unnecessary, and cause for potential mistakes making the whole thing counter intuitive, creating more stress/trouble than it's worth.

With an axe, hatchet, or cleaver you decapitate quick, and besides the nerve endings producing a reaction immediately after, it's over.

The chicken should go into shock and die.
We definitely prefer the broomstick method, and having accidentally decapitated a couple (my husband is both tall and strong) I have to say that if the bird is flapping afterward, do not panic or feel bad, it probably is really dead, because even the ones we decapitated did that. I also want to tell the OP that IMO, she should use whatever method she is most comfortable with, regardless of how anyone else feels about it. What works for someone else is right for them, but not necessarily for you. I have to cull a 5-week old chick tomorrow and I guess I will be using a set of pruning shears.

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