"Docking Station" for Mobile Hoop Coop


May 5, 2024
I am new here and to raising poultry (although I have dreamt of it for years!). We built an 8x10' mobile hoop coop for our 6 chicks and 6 guineas (they are 1 week old). During the day, the coop will be out and about on our 15 acre property. At night, I would like to have a "docking station" to park the coop safely. The floor of the "docking station" will be thick grass/weeds and I hope to maintain that throughout the warm months since they won't have much daytime to destroy the grass. In the winter, I plan to keep the coop stationary and to use deep litter. Eventually the guineas will free range.

SO my question is: Would it be safe to lay down hardware cloth on the floor of the "docking station" (with extra skirting outside the coop?) If we lay it down now, the grass/weeds would have time to grow up thickly through the HWC. Then in the winter it would be covered with deep litter. They would mostly be exposed to the hardware cloth at night when parked. But would that be enough or am I setting them up for foot injury? I appreciate your sage wisdom! :jumpy
I hope I'm understanding your situation.

I wouldn't put HWC down on the base/floor of your coop. That could be a source for injury, plus make it harder to clean. In addition, it will inhibit grass growth to a certain extent.

Once you park it permanently for a few/several months of winter, you could bury the HWC a foot, or bend it at the bottom to come out 12-18", then pin that down with HD tent stakes or the like, and pavers/rocks. That'll keep any digging predators from getting in. I think I'd opt for the latter idea so you could keep it more mobile.

In the nicer months when you're moving it around for fresher grass, you could use the stakes to pin it down so you're not having to haul rocks and pavers around every couple of weeks.
You could omit the docking station and just have the mobile run. If you are worried about predators you can use portable electric fencing. Move the mobile around the area that is fenced, then move the fencing to a new area along with the mobile. The electric netting will keep out most predators, it will not keep out weasels.

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