go to free range, stops laying?


Nov 5, 2022
Mt Plymouth, FL
Ok, So I finally got a fence up so that my chickens can free range. They seem to have stopped laying or are really good at hiding eggs. I'm in Florida. Egg productions slows down a little with less light, but not like I'm seeing now. What can I do to get them to start laying again? I have 8 hens. I'm lucky to get 1-3 eggs a day. Sometimes there are none. I have searched high and low.
I'd chalk it up to normal winter break but Are they getting enough of their feed?
yes, 9 chickens go through 100 lbs of feed a month. I give kitchen scraps, fresh fruit, and scratch as well. They are spoiled rotten! lol If I open the door they come running because they think I'm bring treats. When I don't bring treats, my rooster will come after me. He's a character. Good ole Clementine. His fav is yogurt covered raisins. I limit those and they eat those from my hand.
yes, 9 chickens go through 100 lbs of feed a month. I give kitchen scraps, fresh fruit, and scratch as well. They are spoiled rotten! lol If I open the door they come running because they think I'm bring treats. When I don't bring treats, my rooster will come after me. He's a character. Good ole Clementine. His fav is yogurt covered raisins. I limit those and they eat those from my hand.
You should be only going through around 65lbs a month, do you have little birds? Or spilling? something is going on

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