Chicken poppy

Fashionably late 🎤🦆
May 9, 2021
My rooster, Peep, had a foot problem. With a vet and some people on heres advice, his foot seemed to heal up well, but shortly after he began acting strange. He was crowing a lot less, which i figured was because of the injury, but his voice started to change, and crow sounded weird. (He’s like two years old, and his crows sounded the same before.)

Now he looks like he’s about to pass away, and my heart is breaking. He shakes whenever he stands, is breathing really lethargically, standing with his tail low, has faded comb and wattle color, and right now he’s just laying down and won’t stand. His poop is very runny too, and he’s eating little.

What i’ve been doing is giving VetRX under the wing and on his beak, a little by mouth. I’m giving electrolytes and he is in the house. What else can i do for him? I’m so worried .
My rooster, Peep, had a foot problem. With a vet and some people on heres advice, his foot seemed to heal up well, but shortly after he began acting strange. He was crowing a lot less, which i figured was because of the injury, but his voice started to change, and crow sounded weird. (He’s like two years old, and his crows sounded the same before.)

Now he looks like he’s about to pass away, and my heart is breaking. He shakes whenever he stands, is breathing really lethargically, standing with his tail low, has faded comb and wattle color, and right now he’s just laying down and won’t stand. His poop is very runny too, and he’s eating little.

What i’ve been doing is giving VetRX under the wing and on his beak, a little by mouth. I’m giving electrolytes and he is in the house. What else can i do for him? I’m so worried .
I'm so sorry Poppy! Right now, all you can do is keep him warm. Can you try to syringe feed him raw yolk mixed with powdered chicken feed? If so, do it very slowly and place it on his tongue that way he has to swallow by himself and doesn't aspirate. He may have a respiratory issue and will likely need an antibiotic- do you have any on hand?
Could be his infection evolved to sepsis. I would treat him with antibiotics ASAP and have your vet inject him first and show you how to do it at home.

I hope he recovers.
It is always possible to know what exactly is going on. Frequently it takes a necropsy by your state vet lab to determine a diagnosis after you lose them. It looked like he might have injured his leg last month, but it could be possible that he has Mareks disease. I really hope it is not that, but it would be good to get a diagnosis with testing. I would make him comfortable, maybe try a chicken sling chair to allow him to eat and drink for periods throughout the day. Many times with leg injuries, other chickens will attack or bully them. I had that happen to my first young rooster who developed a leg problem, so we put him down to end his suffering. Here is a list of state vets for you to contact for more info, and be sure to keep the body cold, not frozen, and get it to the lab soon as possible:


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