My Grandmother's Potato Salad.

South Dakota Guy

Feb 22, 2023
South Dakota
My Coop
My Coop
My dad's mom passed away in the late 70's but long before that, she taught my mom how to make her potato salad. There must be a thousand potato salad recipes out there but this remains my favorite. It uses 6 hard boiled eggs and I often add a seventh egg. The eggs give it a bit of deviled egg like flavor. My lovely wife hates onion and as this recipe doesn't call for it (you can add it if it is important to you) which make this recipe a favorite of hers. This potato salad is best when made a day in advance as it gives time for the flavors to meld properly. I like to make it when smoking a brisket or when cooking a Christmas ham (or any other time you eat a ham). Buy a Honey Baked Spiral ham and make the potato salad a day in advance then you can spend the holidays enjoying time with family instead of slaving in the kitchen and missing out.

Grandma Madges Potato Salad

Best to make the day before serving


6 medium potatoes
6 eggs dice 5 eggs, slice the last egg for top of salad
1/2 cup sliced green olives
1/2 cup chopped bread and butter pickles
1 Tablespoon celery seed
1 cup Hellman's Mayonnaise
2 teaspoons salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
Juice from bread and butter pickles

Boil the potatoes skin on until fork tender. Peel skin from
potatoes and cut up or dice potatoes to desired size. Mix ingredients
in serving dish except for the sliced egg. You will need more than 1
cup of Mayo, add until desired consistency. Sparingly add the juice
from the bread and butter pickles until the flavor is right. Place egg
slices on top of salad and lightly sprinkle paprika on top for color.
Wow, that sounds good! I'm copying this for my file.

My dad HATED eggs. The rest of us loved them. So there were always two batches of potato salad: with and without.

I say, the more eggs, the better!
It is a very old recipe. My dad grew up eating it and he was born in 1934. I am with you on the eggs. Many will find that this recipe tastes different as it has no mustard or onions. I think that the sliced olives add the acid that mustard traditionally adds. Bland dishes need a little bit of acid to kind of wake them up. The bread and butter pickles add a tiny bit of sweetness. I probably put on a couple of pounds every time that I make it.
Our family potato salad will die with me unless someone is interested in carrying it on. There are two types that I make, normal American potato salad and Jamaican. The Jamaican potato salad is similar to American, but Miracle Whip is used instead of mayo. No pickles are added, but they do use egg, onion, scallion, green peas, carrots and corn.

My family recipe uses equal number of potatoes and eggs, onions, dill pickle, mayo, horseradish mustard (or mustard and horseradish separately) juice from the dill pickles, Lowry's seasoning salt and black pepper. Sometimes I'll add celery salt if I have it.

The horseradish doesn't overpower. it just gives a little kick. Hubby hates mustard but likes this recipe. He's not fond of pickles, either, so I usually make his Jamaican salad just for him, and then he eats both. LOL
I made this recipe a couple of weekends ago when we smoked a brisket. I took a photo to share. I kinda go overboard with the eggs!
potato salad.jpg

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