Our bantam went broody, but our Polish Rooster is setting on eggs..


Sep 22, 2023
North Central Florida
Found it odd when our Barred Rock bantam, Crowella, went broody on full size eggs. Cute the way she spread out to try and cover 9 eggs.
We were worried about her not getting down to eat, since she is tiny anyway, but went out for afternoon feeding and she was down eating. Took advantage of her being off the nest to mark the eggs so we can collect any extras layed by the others, but when we walked in to the coop we found our Polish rooster sitting on the eggs. Odd, but we left him alone , and then at bedtime we found Crowella back on the nest. This has been going on for a week now.
It’s the first time any of our roosters have set on a nest. He’s kind of strange to begin with, but this topped off the weirdness .
It's rare but I have heard of others having roosters who keep the eggs warm/guard them for the momma while she takes a break. That's pretty neat!
Different breeds, and different clutches. About 6 months apart when we got them, so they never really peck in the same pasture, so to speak.

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