Predator, red lamp, something else? See pic.


In the Brooder
Feb 28, 2023
Our reliable layer, a normally sassy cream legbar has taken a break from egg laying for two weeks! She is normally a daily layer and the weather has been nice so it’s odd. We noticed some feather issue last week and wonder if it has something to do with it. She’s also been less of a sass, a little less bold and more skittish.

First, i thought maybe it could have been the red lamp (we keep this on the porch on cold winter days because the run is pretty protected from wind but they like to come out and play). We don’t leave it on when we’re gone, and didn’t hear anything weird, but possible she got all fluttered under it? But it seems to not tell the whole story, could she have escaped a predator? The feathers may tell a story but I don’t know what it is or if we can help her. Of course we want her laying but our hens are our babies and we want her healthy and happy the most. The egg production stopping just lines up way too well. Not sure how to investigate any further. She is eating fine. No issues on the rest of the flock (four of them total).

Worth noting they are just over a year. She molted in early winter and took a month or so off laying when winter started. Weather has been pretty sunny and warm for February lately.


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Understood on heat lamp and knew I’d catch flack there but we do make educated decisions for our flock based on our unique scenario and sometimes bitter winters. We have a sweeter for the coop which is fine.

Not being picked on, she is (or was) top pecking order. Wasn’t being picked on and still isn’t. So still seeking input
Understood on heat lamp and knew I’d catch flack there but we do make educated decisions for our flock based on our unique scenario and sometimes bitter winters. We have a sweeter for the coop which is fine.

Not being picked on, she is (or was) top pecking order. Wasn’t being picked on and still isn’t. So still seeking input
Not flak, just advice. I'm not so hot (See what I did there? :D) on the anti-heat lamp crowd. To each their own. I use them when brooding, but still acknowledge they are somewhat of a fire hazard. That hazard does seem to increase when the birds are older and the risk is greater for the lamp to be knocked over or the birds to injure themselves on it. Chickens can normally handle some pretty bitter temps in a properly insulated coop just fine.

As for picking, it doesn't always stem from bullying. A bird getting picked on and getting feather picked can be two different things. Check this article out:
Yes. It’s not actually in the coop. It’s on the porch because the girls love to come out and play even when it’s cold as cold gets.

I thought they may have looked singed but then a bunch of them look just broken to me. Still seem like it was a singe?
Is the lamp a heat lamp? I’ve had chickens singe some feathers off on a heat lamp and it looked just like that.
Yes. It’s not actually in the coop. It’s on the porch because the girls love to come out and play even when it’s cold as cold gets.

I thought they may have looked singed but then a bunch of them look just broken to me. Still seem like it was a singe?
Yeah it does still seem like a singe because feathers come all the way out when pulled: they hardly ever just break. but. That doesn’t explain her behavior though. Sometimes they become more skittish when broody which would explain the stop in egg production as well but it doesn’t sound like she’s broody in your description. Is she staying in the coop a lot?

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