Théo and the chickens des Sauches

Some are in denial. Some assume it won't affect them and theirs and don't care what happens elsewhere. Some will even create natural havoc by targeting their enemies' natural environment (blow up a dam, poison the water etc.). Some think the tech bros will save the planet with smart solutions (how's that going where you live, wherever you are? mostly hot air/hype here). Some are incorrigible optimists. Some want to let nature take its course. Some are corrupt and will do anything for money. And some don't care what happens after they've got whatever they can get for themselves out of this life.

In my experience most people think it won't happen to them, until it does. And it's always harder to get people to take preventative measures than to take a cure, even if the latter is much more brutal than the former. It's people's instinct to ignore possible undesirables, versus having to deal with the then unavoidable.
Clever thinking. You should be an important politician /gov advisor instead of retiring.
Now that last point is something I can totally relate with.
Not thinking about what will happen if a male chick does not get along with the adult rooster or hoping having consolidated a third of the property 's fence will stop the boar from destroying the garden come to mind 🙄.
Good idea to live a life away from the stupid people in this world and only relate to a few hermits, chickens 🐓 and wild pigs 🐷. Maybe one day I buy a property somewhere at the edge of the world to follow your footsteps.
Clever thinking. You should be an important politician /gov advisor instead of retiring.

Good idea to live a life away from the stupid people in this world and only relate to a few hermits, chickens 🐓 and wild pigs 🐷. Maybe one day I buy a property somewhere at the edge of the world to follow your footsteps.
Sadly the problems will have an impact everywhere. I confess I am quite pessimistic about it all.
I am also much closer to the end of my life than the beginning and I find my attitude increasingly detached.
Not my problem.
I am not proud of that, and I strive to ensure that my personal impact on earth is not too negative. But it is how I cope.

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