What’s wrong with my chicken hen?

In your first picture she seems to have her legs in a very wide stance. Is she able to walk normally or is her lower abdomen swollen?
And if swollen, does it feel hard or rather squishy like water filled?
Yes, she was having trouble balancing and walking. The reason her abdomen looks enlarged or swollen is because the rest of her is so skinny. I don’t know why but she is very very malnourished. this morning I went out and she was laying on her side in front of their opening to go outside, and the other chickens were walking over her. I pulled her out and put her in a kennel by herself and put her on our deck, but she didn’t look good. I was sure she was gonna die before the day was up, but then I had thought…. I gave her a warm epson salt bath for about 7 minutes then I dried her around and had her in the sun for a while. I also put a egg yolk in a bowl for her and she started eating that so I’ve given her 4 egg yolks today so far and she has started to perk up some and has started scratching at the ground again.
I am having the same issue right now with a known reproductive issue. She has already been treated/is on medication for her reproductive issue now but her crop (two days after a drainage of the abdomen) is once again slow. Should I fast her, will this go away on its own?
Is her abdomen swollen or has she lost a lot of weight? Mine is down to 2 pounds and can barely stand up on her own but today I started giving her some raw egg yolks and a bowl and she is starting to perk up a little bit.
Is her abdomen swollen or has she lost a lot of weight? Mine is down to 2 pounds and can barely stand up on her own but today I started giving her some raw egg yolks and a bowl and she is starting to perk up a little bit.
Both. Mine lost about 2 pounds as well as a swollen abdomen. This caused her legs to splay out and she would penguin walk. She was diagnosed with a reproductive issue that also causes slow crop. She was drained at the vet and took out probably 3 cups of yellowish liquid from her body. If your baby is swollen, I suspect ours may have the same issue. She’s also been prescribed an anti inflammatory for the rest of her life as well as 2000mg of tums every day for calcium
Yes, she was having trouble balancing and walking. The reason her abdomen looks enlarged or swollen is because the rest of her is so skinny. I don’t know why but she is very very malnourished. this morning I went out and she was laying on her side in front of their opening to go outside, and the other chickens were walking over her. I pulled her out and put her in a kennel by herself and put her on our deck, but she didn’t look good. I was sure she was gonna die before the day was up, but then I had thought…. I gave her a warm epson salt bath for about 7 minutes then I dried her around and had her in the sun for a while. I also put a egg yolk in a bowl for her and she started eating that so I’ve given her 4 egg yolks today so far and she has started to perk up some and has started scratching at the ground again.
If her swollen abdomen feels squishy like a water filled ballon she is suffering from ascites and the fluid accumulation is pressing on her organs making it hard for her to eat and breathe.

There us the possibility to help make her feel better for a while and alleviate the pressure by draining some of the fluid, but it will not cure the underlying co dition as ascites is just a symptom, not the cause for her decline.

Here is how to do it


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