Recent content by Allsfairinloveandbugs

  1. Allsfairinloveandbugs

    Bullied chicken is aggressive with me.

    From your descriptions her behaviors Are somewhat comparable to an aggressive rooster, minus flogging with spurs. My first thought upon reading your first post was as @sourland said, that she has decided that humans and dogs are beneath her in the pecking order. Still, her behaviors are...
  2. Allsfairinloveandbugs

    Bullied chicken is aggressive with me.

    Hi and welcome to BYC. Can you describe her behaviors when she is "aggressive", "challenges" you, and "attacks humans"? I'm asking in an attempt to understand how her behaviors compare with typical aggressive rooster behaviors.
  3. Allsfairinloveandbugs

    gangrene / amputation? (Photos)

    I suspect you are in somewhat uncharted territory here, since most members allow their birds' feet to auto-amputate instead of paying to take the surgical route. I briefly searched BYC to locate a surgical amputation thread, but didn't find anything to help answer your questions. However, you...
  4. Allsfairinloveandbugs

    Possum Attack - Hen scratched BADLY

    How is your hen doing? Cefdinir is included in the class of cephlasporins which also includes cephalexin. Cephalexin is an excellent bird antibiotic for skin infections. However, my country internet signal is nearly nonexistent right now, and I couldn't find info when I googled "is cefdinir...
  5. Allsfairinloveandbugs

    PLEASE HELP Unabsorbed Yolk Sack?

    I will link a thread where post #4 by @Wyorp Rock provides info that will tell you exactly what to do re the unabsorbed yolks. I only hatch using broody hens and have...
  6. Allsfairinloveandbugs

    gangrene / amputation? (Photos)

    Pulling down on a chicken's wattles will cause them to open their beak. But since most Easter Eggers don't have wattles, I simply pull down on the skin underneath their beaks when i need to give a pill, tubefeed, etc. You probably already know this, but just in case (or for future others who...
  7. Allsfairinloveandbugs

    HELP!!! What happens if you don't turn your eggs for 2 days.

    Hi and welcome to BYC; glad you joined! If you look at the date of the initial posts, this thread was last active in 2013, and the OP hasn't been on BYC since 2013. So unfortunately, it's highly unlikely that you will receive an answer to your question.
  8. Allsfairinloveandbugs

    gangrene / amputation? (Photos)

    I'm so glad to know the surgery went well!! :weeAlso amazed the bill was only $100. Sounds like you have a great vet who still charges an affordable fee; that combination is hard to find in this day and age. Polly is adorable! Please keep updating her progress; your experience and knowledge...
  9. Allsfairinloveandbugs

    Suddenly Lame - 12wk old pullet

    It's a really good sign that she is improving and also that none of your other birds are showing symptoms. Hopefully it's a vitamin deficiency and she continues to improve.:fl
  10. Allsfairinloveandbugs

    gangrene / amputation? (Photos)

    Is the one toe flexible or stiff? In the second picture of your post 26, it looks like there is potentially viable tissue connecting the toe to the shank. How does the bottom of the toe look? If also pink, and if the toe is flexible, she may keep the toe. While debriding is done with...
  11. Allsfairinloveandbugs

    Suddenly Lame - 12wk old pullet

    In order to post a video on BYC, you first have to post on YouTube or other video site, then share the video here. Hopefully it's "only" a vitamin deficiency. If so it will take some time before the neurological symptoms reverse, but the fact she is improving is an excellent sign. Do you...
  12. Allsfairinloveandbugs

    EMERGENCY - 2 Coturnix Quail foot broken OFF

    P.s. I soaked my dog's injured foot with exposed bone daily in Epsom Salts too. Which helped contribute to the wound not getting infected, but didn't help it heal. Maybe someone who has experience with an exposed bone injury healing without oral antibiotics will add their input.
  13. Allsfairinloveandbugs

    EMERGENCY - 2 Coturnix Quail foot broken OFF

    I've used both at the same time when dealing with particularly severe open wounds. I coat the wound with triple antibiotic first, then spray Vetericyn on top of the antibiotic for good measure. Some may consider that overkill, but I've never had a wound become infected, so I will keep doing it...
  14. Allsfairinloveandbugs

    gangrene / amputation? (Photos)

    Below is a thread with lots of pictures of slings and chairs people have made. If your chick struggles to escape her sling or chair, you may need to improvise using your own idea. Slings and chairs aren't normally intended for full-time use, though they can be used full-time if a bird is...
  15. Allsfairinloveandbugs


    I also think it looks like he somehow injured his beak/broke it off at the end. His beak looks very similar to one of my hens. Her upper beak end never grew back after an injury from an unknown cause, leaving her lower beak permanently longer than her upper. But it didn't affect her ability...
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