Recent content by Aneury Sanchez

  1. A

    Mottled carrier ?

    Does this look like some mottling. She is a young 5 week old ameracauna cross.
  2. A

    Dwarfism vs normal

    I would like to know someone has a picture of what chicks with sex-linked dwarfism vs normal birds will look like or characteristics to look for.
  3. A

    Color Genetics Question - Will he ever throw a steel blue/grey chick?

    i would only think it is blue grey if the Wyandotte was the mother
  4. A

    Silver carrier and maybe silver birchen base ?

    This is Shadow i know she is barred but does she have a silver base and does she look silver birchen too ?
  5. A

    Weak rooster

    i had him on layer ration but i am going to put him on grower ration with more protein he was eating whenever i fed them. i will also give him a dewormer tablet
  6. A

    Weak rooster

    Hello recently i noticed my brown leghorn rooster has been getting weak. His comb is flopped over to the side and is getting darker, also has been losing weight. I had him in a bachelor group but I think he got pushed to lowest in pecking order. Could it be stress or parasites maybe?
  7. A

    Chick color ?

    No I don't mind their father is a brown leghorn and their mother was half isa brown half mystery.
  8. A

    Chick color ?

    These 2 chicks are full siblings just hatched about 2 weeks apart. The older chick looked about the same as the younger one maybe more red in the down. I would like to know if anyone has guesses on what the genetic color would be beside paint.
  9. A

    exporting hatching eggs

    I live on small Caribbean island I am looking for someone in the USA that is willing to sell hatching eggs to me. I use a shipping company based in Florida to have the eggs air shipped to me by plane.
  10. A

    exporting hatching eggs

    Hello does anyone know of a place where i can get hatching eggs to come with a usda export health certificate.
  11. A

    Does this look like blue ?

    Does this cockeral look like he has blue I know he is genetically a paint. But his mother had no blue but i also don't this his father has it too. Also does it look like he has barring around his head or somd other coloration.
  12. A

    old hen not looking good

    Sadly, she passed in her sleep, but she got to live a good seven years on a sunny Caribbean Island. I wish I had kept some daughters from her, but she is survived by her 2 half-sisters that hatched at the same time and are still with me.
  13. A

    old hen not looking good

    I have a at least 7 year old hen she has been looking down the last couple days. She is losing weight and is having lime green poop, her crop has water but i don't feel any food. Is there anything i can do or is she just dying for being old ?
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