Recent content by ARTsignature

  1. A

    Just heard about something called Azomite - anyone supplementing their chickens with this?

    And, out of curiosity, what have been some health benefits you have noticed by using azomite for personal health uses?
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    Just heard about something called Azomite - anyone supplementing their chickens with this?

    Good to know! It's seems like a very versatile product. I also wonder how it would improve crop yields and flavor of garden veggies? Or possibly even impact egg quality, broiler growth rate, or chick vigor? Or what effect it would have on other species such as bovine, ovine, porcine, equine...
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    Just heard about something called Azomite - anyone supplementing their chickens with this?

    Yes, I have recently heard of it being used as a water supplement for poultry. A very knowledgeable poultry enthusiast recommend it to me after my hen was attacked by a hawk. I am not sure what azomite to water ratio to use, but I am currently doing research and finding as much info on it as I...
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    Has anyone had problems with cackle hatchery bantam easter eggers vents prolapsing?

    I am looking for chicks to raise this year, and I really love bantam easter eggers. Cackle hatchery seems to have good quality birds, but when I read the reviews for the bantam EE, someone had an unfortunate experience with vent prolapsing. I was wondering if anyone else has had this experience...
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    Humidity and temp problems

    This is my first time hatching eggs. I just got 4 Buff Orpington eggs today, and have started the incubation process. I have a farm innovators 4200 model. However, my three temp/ humidity gauges are reading different temps (102.2, 98.4, and 92.8). I have tried using a different thermometer, but...
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    What chicken breed should I get?

    Amazing, thanks everyone for your input! I really appreciate it. 🙂
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    What chicken breed should I get?

    The most important thing is an incredibly friendly temperament and of second importance is egg laying ability. We also wouldn't mind smaller bantam types, as I have younger siblings and I am interested in showing through FFA. We are located in Idaho, which gets a nice range of seasons. Pretty...
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    Looking for breeders/ hatcheries

    Hello all! I'm on a search for small and large local breeders/ hatcheries located in Idaho or close by as long as they are close. (Don't want to ship chicks long distance). I want to see what breeds are available in the area. Post if you know of any breeders/ hatcheries out there near Idaho...
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    What chicken breed should I get?

    I am looking at getting a good pet/ show chicken that I can show at the fair in FFA. But there are so many breeds to choose from! I have never owned chickens before and I also have younger siblings, so a gentle breed is definitely needed. I live near Boise, ID and we get very cold winters and...
  10. A

    New member

    I am planning on raising six Cornish cross birds. I will only have them about eight weeks in the summer so the coop won't be permanent. I'm thinking a sturdy hoop coop with a tarp over it would be best. Good ventilation, and plenty of shade!
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    How much to feed market broilers?

    I will be raising some market broilers this year for an FFA project, and this is my first time ever owning chickens. I have done extensive research but the one thing I can't seem to find is exactly how much to feed them. I will have six birds. Do I need to make it available to them 24/7? Also is...
  12. A

    New member

    Hello all! I am super excited to be here to talk to other people about chickens! I have never owned them before, but this year I am going to raise some market birds and sell them at fair.
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