Recent content by Auntiejessi3

  1. Auntiejessi3

    Help baby chick has strange bugs on it

    The spinach and kale actually decrease calcium intake, they aren't necessarily "bad" for your flock. I also have a large garden with all sorts of goodies in it, if I'm pruning back my oregano or rosemary, that are year round in my garden, I'll chuck the discards in the run for the ladies, or...
  2. Auntiejessi3

    7wk olds picking on each other

    Maybe get some bluekote from the feed store, spray it on the same place on the chicks that aren't injured as well as the ones that are. Pics of your setup would still be helpful
  3. Auntiejessi3

    Change of plans

    The fence around my chicken yard and run is 7ft, I haven't had anything put in the effort to go over it yet. At night they are locked up tight in their coop.
  4. Auntiejessi3

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    Thank you! He was so handsome and sweet, I hated selling him, but it was what was best for some of my smaller older ladies.
  5. Auntiejessi3

    7wk olds picking on each other

    If you're not keeping any of the cockerels I'd get rid of them now, no sense in feeding the extra mouths, and it will increase your square footage per bird.
  6. Auntiejessi3

    Have you Incubated for others?

    Yeah, when I was breeding English Orpingtons I got hooked up with a lot of people through selling chicks (there aren't a lot of people in Texas breeding them) folks would ask if they could pass along my number and I'd tell them yes.
  7. Auntiejessi3

    Have you Incubated for others?

    I'm supposed to be setting eggs for another lady this fall, we've been talking about it and getting the dates all worked out since last summer. Same terms apply, she will be buying the eggs and have them shipped to me, so zero out of pocket for me.
  8. Auntiejessi3

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    I suppose it's a matter of opinion, everyone does things differently. I do not handle my cockerels at all, I just make sure they respect my space (even when they're young) I expect them to move if I'm in the coop or run doing things. When they are grown if I need to check them out for any...
  9. Auntiejessi3

    Change of plans

    My new favorite incubator is rockin these BCM eggs, keeping a nice overall average for temp and humidity, I'm going to candle Sunday probably (maybe sooner, depends on how antsy I am, lol)
  10. Auntiejessi3

    Help baby chick has strange bugs on it

    It is really easy to use, you can even mix it in a bucket or tub and dip them (this is my preferred method in the summer) then just let them dry in the warm sun. Isn't if meat how you can learn all sorts of things from a few creepy bugs, lol
  11. Auntiejessi3

    Help baby chick has strange bugs on it

    Currently 13, I always have leftover
  12. Auntiejessi3

    Have you Incubated for others?

    The first person paid me upfront, which pretty much sealed the deal, the second person I knew really well, so I wasn't too worried about them flaking on me.
  13. Auntiejessi3

    Have you Incubated for others?

    I've done this a couple times. They paid for the price of the eggs, then a $20 fee for the service. They had to pick the chicks up within 3 days of hatch or would be charged an additional $1 per chick. If they did not pick them up within a week, I'd sell them to someone else. Those were the...
  14. Auntiejessi3

    New member

    :welcome from Central Texas! I hope you enjoy your chicken journey!
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