Recent content by Belovedturkey

  1. B

    Chicken with hurt leg panting

    The last egg was a week ago and we got her from a backyard where she were left when her last owners moved out,
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    Chicken with hurt leg panting

    She is in a wire crate she’s one to two years old, I don’t think she was vaccinated, and I’ll put her back in the coop when it’s cool at night so the tentative isn’t a shock, and will she if I have baby aspirin for now she has stopped panting, and I haven’t seen swelling or bruising, I will...
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    Chicken with hurt leg panting

    Two days ago one of my chickens hurt their leg, I don’t think it’s broken but she’s not walking on it, I put her in a kennel so that she would have access to food and water without needing to walk because I wasn’t sure she would walk to the bowls if she needed to but she’s been panting a lot...
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    Is this snake in my coop harmful

    Sorry for taking so long to answer, it’s been busy lately. I was able to get the snake out by locking the chickens in a different area of the coop. I attempted to get it into a bucket but it was bigger and heavier than I thought so it got out, and slithered out through a hole in my wiring, so...
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    Is this snake in my coop harmful

    Ok thank you
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    Is this snake in my coop harmful

    Will do, and I’ll take him out and collect eggs more often
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    Is this snake in my coop harmful

    would a rat snake be able to climb up a metal sheet or through a hole on the side of a metal building
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    Is this snake in my coop harmful

    Your good and that explains why it’s in the nesting box
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    Is this snake in my coop harmful

    Sorry I’m not a snake person and I’m located in rural Oklahoma in maud
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    Is this snake in my coop harmful

    Ok thank you
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    Is this snake in my coop harmful

    I was in my coop and found a snake he’s brown with big black spots, does anyone know if it’s poisonous or if it will bother my birds, or just eat eggs
  12. B

    Urgent limping chicken

    I just got another hen with a bad leg h it this time she’s not walking on it so I’m putting her in a kennel with food and water because otherwise she won’t walk to it
  13. B

    Urgent limping chicken

    My chicken has finally fully healed, giving her more vitamins and electrolytes helped and a lot of all the vitamin b’s. My chicken wasn’t that bothered by her leg she still at drank ran etc so if yours is more serious I don’t know if you should separate her bit in my case I didn’t have to...
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    Broody or sick

    Yes she is a buff Orpington, I’ll see about broody jail but I’m low on room right now
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    Broody or sick

    I’m only confused because at this point she’s not even sitting on eggs just in a nesting box and we have no roosters
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