bhawk-23's latest activity

  • bhawk-23
    bhawk-23 reacted to Kimsole's post in the thread Urgent limping chicken with Like Like.
    That’s great to hear !
  • bhawk-23
    bhawk-23 replied to the thread Urgent limping chicken.
    Fortunately, after a couple days of rest she is doing well. I do not know what happened but can guess it was a bad jump type thing and...
  • bhawk-23
    bhawk-23 replied to the thread Hen limping.
    No rooster here but your guess is most likely correct. I had her inside for 48ish hours and let her back out. Her feet look great and...
  • bhawk-23
    bhawk-23 reacted to oldhenlikesdogs's post in the thread Hen limping with Like Like.
    Is she with a rooster? Sometimes they get too rough and can sprain a leg. I'm not familiar with bumblefoot, nor the treatment of it so I...
  • bhawk-23
    bhawk-23 reacted to GreenGoddess's post in the thread Is this what I think it is? with Like Like.
    Sooooo... I went to give her some more egg yolk/crumble/vitamin mixture last night.. I had her in an igloo dog house with some fencing...
  • bhawk-23
    bhawk-23 reacted to Wyorp Rock's post in the thread Mycoplasma what to do with Like Like.
    Sorry that you have sick birds and have lost one. It would be a very good idea to refrigerate the body and have your State Lab test...
  • bhawk-23
    bhawk-23 reacted to Belovedturkey's post in the thread Urgent limping chicken with Like Like.
    She’s still limping a bit but I let her back out with the others and she runs forever eats drinks and lays so I’ll just give her...
  • bhawk-23
    bhawk-23 replied to the thread Urgent limping chicken.
    How did the limping sort out? I also have one limping but cannot find any specific source and she is eating/drinking well.
  • bhawk-23
    bhawk-23 replied to the thread Mycoplasma what to do.
    Just a note about contacting state vets. In Illinois they are VERY strict about diseases. I called about a necropsy for a bird that...
  • bhawk-23
    bhawk-23 reacted to Shadrach's post in the thread Mycoplasma what to do with Informative Informative.
    Poor hen. She looks miserable. First it would be helpfull have have a proper diagnosis. Other diseases such as Newcastles disease can...
  • bhawk-23
    bhawk-23 replied to the thread Mycoplasma what to do.
    @Wyorp Rock @aart @azygous Please correct me if I’ve gotten any of my information wrong!
  • bhawk-23
    bhawk-23 replied to the thread Mycoplasma what to do.
    If you would like to treat her with doxycycline separately and then the flock with Tylosin I don’t see harm in this. I would not treat...
  • bhawk-23
    bhawk-23 replied to the thread Mycoplasma what to do.
    Has mycoplasma been confirmed by a test? Tylosin in the water 5-7 days has worked well for us. I treat the whole flock at once because...
  • bhawk-23
    Yep the chick is up and running around! It's actually pretty sure a roo though haha. Just learned about cream Legbars and their auto...
  • bhawk-23
    bhawk-23 replied to the thread Is this what I think it is?.
    Great to hear! Sounds like you are doing well:)
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