Recent content by bobbi-j

  1. bobbi-j

    BYC Café

    I have discovered that I don’t bounce anymore either. Just kind of go “splot”.
  2. bobbi-j

    Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

    How many did you lose, and what did you replace them with?
  3. bobbi-j

    BYC Café

    Hello, Cafe’! Another school year is in the books. I am so looking forward to summer! In two weeks I’ll begin my annual 3-week camp cooking stint, and then… I have no idea. Maybe experimenting with my new toy. I bought a freeze dryer. We’re going to pick it up from my brother next week. He...
  4. bobbi-j

    Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

    I think he’s feeling the same way. :)
  5. bobbi-j

    Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

    :frow We are well, just crazy busy. I thought this spring would be less busy since DH isn’t farming, but that time has just been absorbed by other things.
  6. bobbi-j

    BYC Café

    We’ve had over 2” of rain before noon, and it’s still coming down. DH decided to be proactive and started the sump pump.
  7. bobbi-j

    Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

    Morning, Pond Trying to caffeinate enough to enjoy my last Tuesday of the school year. For some reason I can’t explain, I decided to stay up until midnight last night. I just wasn’t sleepy. When I got home yesterday, we went right out to the garden to get plants in the ground before the rain...
  8. bobbi-j

    BYC Café

    I don’t think I could work from home with that waiting for me outside… I’m 20 miles away from home and I’m still completely distracted with thoughts of being outside in my garden or here…
  9. bobbi-j

    Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

    Good Evening, Pond! Just paddling on through as I wait for the rhubarb crisp to come out of the oven. Life is crazy busy right now, even without the stress of trying to get a crop planted. We’ve gotten about 6” of rain over the past 1 1/2 weeks, and there is water standing everywhere! I hope...
  10. bobbi-j

    BYC Café

    Love the pond, DL! I feel like I could just park myself next to it and watch the fish and other life for a few hours. Strawberries. I’m hoping to get a raised strawberry bed built and planted this year. Kneeling and bending to pull weeds is getting to be too hard.
  11. bobbi-j

    BYC Café

    I had to look them up to see whether they were the same plant with different names, or if there are two terrible invasive plants. The leaves are different, but the berries look similar.
  12. bobbi-j

    BYC Café

    Sounds like you two are describing buckthorn. Cut it off, pull it out, it just keeps coming back. And it has nice little berries that the birds scatter about. There are groves that have been completely taken over by this stuff. It’s so thick you can’t even walk through them.
  13. bobbi-j

    !!!URGENT!!! Neighbors dog killed all of my ducks. This is not the first time.

    I’m sorry about your ducks. This dog is obviously a menace and will continue to be one as the owner doesn’t seem to want to take responsibility. While shooting the dog would be justified, others have mentioned how that could create more problems, and it could be illegal to do so, depending on...
  14. bobbi-j

    BYC Café

    Thank you! I have a neighbor that has a freeze dryer, and I’m hoping next time I have a bunch, I can hire them to freeze dry some eggs for me. (I just sold my horse trailer on Monday and am working on convincing DH that a freeze dryer would be a good investment.)
  15. bobbi-j

    Words can't describe how angry I am right now.

    “Hidey hole” makes me think skunk or one of his kin. If you trap, be prepared to dispose of whatever you catch. Check with your local wildlife officials before releasing - it is illegal in some places.
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