Recent content by ChickenLeg

  1. ChickenLeg

    New to Chicken world

    Looks like some good Ole barnyard mixes!
  2. ChickenLeg

    Ameraucana Silver bantam Roo x blue wheatens, splash, dominique, crele oegb, and buff/wheaten naked neck

    Been a long while since I've been online.. over a year maybe two years. I've been busy with life and kids lol... got rid of most of my birds besides a dozen or so bantams. Went ahead and incubated 24 fertile eggs got 20 healthy chick's. All bantam, most are Silver ameraucana x blue wheaten, then...
  3. ChickenLeg

    Question about redosing ivermectin for mites.

    I do, 1 week apart each dose. I spray down the coop each time I redose and remove any bedding inside coop and add new bedding. Sorry for slow response I dont log on very often
  4. ChickenLeg

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I was off to check on the chickens a little while ago when I noticed a vibrant red flower in bloom! I said to myself, "What weed could that be?!" ...Well my mint plants were both in bloom covered with bees, butterflies, and a dragonfly. Here is a pic of the flower which caught my eye!
  5. ChickenLeg

    All my chicks died in 20 minutes!

    I didnt read through the pages but if they were around Teflon skillet being used this could be the culprit. The temp as mentioned was too low but if they were fine prior to death then I doubt the 78 degree temp instantly killed them
  6. ChickenLeg

    Rooster Dilemma

    Yeah never ran across any on there but heard some people have. Ive made a lot of good friends selling and giving away chickens on CL
  7. ChickenLeg

    April Fools 2022 - Reserve Your New Username NOW!

    Awesome thanks!! I can sleep easy tonight lol
  8. ChickenLeg

    April Fools 2022 - Reserve Your New Username NOW!

    Is the user name: Chicken Leg available? If so thatd be awesome! Thanks!
  9. ChickenLeg

    Is this a good winter watering plan?

    Just make sure they have a good dry area to dust bathe! The mites are horrible in these parts due to humidity! And if they have a run thats gunna hold water/ have mud when it rains make sure you routinely treat with corid to prevent coccidiosis 👍 those are the biggest tips i wish i didnt have to...
  10. ChickenLeg


    I agree you have a nice looking buff orpington rooster and a goo looking buff cochin hen!
  11. ChickenLeg


    We have a good amount of wild cats who lurk around here too, whatever anyone wants they are welcome to it 👍 I havent seen our local armadillo in a while, we have a skunk we see/smell every few months, and a possum who eats the left over cat food almost every night... other possums and the coons...
  12. ChickenLeg

    Is $150 a hen fair for show Brahmas?

    Ive seen a fair amount of large fowl show birds go for $50-75 each. Usually the males and females were all priced the same. Ive seen some go for up to $100 each. Im personally am not a fan of brahmas so I wouldnt spend that much but show quality ameraucanas go for $50-75. Ive seen larger birds...
  13. ChickenLeg

    Panicky in Tennessee - SNOW n LOTS of it...

    I havent had silkies in a couple years, they do seem to get wet easier than regular feathered birds but again I personally wouldnt worry too much. As long as they stay under the tarped portion they'll be fine in my opinion. Do they have to go through the part with no tarp to get back in the coop?
  14. ChickenLeg

    Panicky in Tennessee - SNOW n LOTS of it...

    As long as they are able to go inside coop as they please they dont stress! Im in west TN and my chickens are loving it
  15. ChickenLeg

    Finally had to kill roosters. Snapping neck causes suffering?

    When Ive tried the wringing the neck method it can be hard sometimes especially with thick muscled necked roosters. I knew this made them suffer even for a short time if it wasnt dome properly the first time. I changed my method to using a good pair of tree loppers. They are a clean cut...
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