Recent content by ellie97

  1. ellie97

    Pekin Duck with swollen and extremely sore foot? Help!!

    I have a very large jumbo Pekin duck who, about a month ago, started to limp ever so slightly. It got worse and worse for the past few days she is hardly weight bearing at all, and I noticed about 2 weeks ago that it's also swollen and hard. I am wondering if it could be bumblefoot, but it...
  2. ellie97

    My duck ate a hair band!!??

    My 4 month old duck (mixed breed, big girl) just ate a small, non metal hair band/tie. She seems totally fine for the moment. Is there anything I can feed her or give her to help it through? She's drinking water...
  3. ellie97

    7 day old duckling gasping for Air

    Update: I'm thrilled to say that she is doing much better! I don't know if it's the change of air quality or the antibiotic but she is breathing much more easily and seems comfortable. I will certainly keep doing what I'm doing since it seems to be working!
  4. ellie97

    7 day old duckling gasping for Air

    She can dunk her head. I'm about to head to Tractor supply to see what I can get for her.
  5. ellie97

    7 day old duckling gasping for Air

    She definitely isn't too hot-she can definitely get away from the heat and when she is out for a while she doesn't improve. I'm hoping she makes it through the night. She is just so little and fragile. I have Baytril and went ahead and gave her a drop in her water (had no clue how to dose since...
  6. ellie97

    7 day old duckling gasping for Air

    My 7-day old Pekin duckling began just a couple of hours ago gasping for air. She is otherwise acting mostly normal. She's eating, drinking and pooping normally. Her cage has been kept very clean, but I'm concerned about Aspergillosis because we just tore up our kitchen floors and found a ton of...
  7. ellie97

    Kiddie Pools - Does size matter - I think it does

    This is interesting-thank you for taking the time to write it! I have always used a 6' pool for my ducks even though I have never had more than 4 ducks at a time (at the moment I have 2) and they have always seemed to enjoy it so much I have never considered switching. Now I definitely will!
  8. ellie97

    Bald hens from bullying-suggestions?

    Okay, I will do that just to be safe. I only spend $16 on everything I used, so doing it again won't be a big deal. Although I will wear a mask over my nose/mouth next time, because I inhaled a whole lot of Carbaryl and was not feeling so great last night/this morning. Thank you for all your...
  9. ellie97

    Bald hens from bullying-suggestions?

    Success! The flock seems to be completely mite-free! I checked some of the hens that were the most heavily infested, and not a single mite to be seen!
  10. ellie97

    Bald hens from bullying-suggestions?

    So, I bought some Red Lake diatomaceous earth powder as well as some Sevin 5% powder today, then came home, stripped the chicken coop ( it's quite big, meant to house up to 50 birds) then sprinkled the earth powder everywhere, then the Sevin powder in the super sandy spots where the girls like...
  11. ellie97

    Mites :/ how to treat

    So you mix that solution in with the wood ash? Is that correct?
  12. ellie97

    Bald hens from bullying-suggestions?

    Thank you! I didn't know you could do that!
  13. ellie97

    Bald hens from bullying-suggestions?

    The hens DO have mites!!! :( I feel like such a bad chicken mom. I've never had a problem before. What can I do for treatment? I think a lot of my chickens have them because I checked one of my hens that just has one small bald spot on her neck and she has the nasty little things all over her too.
  14. ellie97

    Bald hens from bullying-suggestions?

    Okay-I will. If there is one that is eating feathers, it will just have to find a new home with someone who will deal with the problem, because I could never kill any of my animals-they are pets. But thank you so much for the suggestions! Mary
  15. ellie97

    Elderly Chickens are the best, are they not?

    Aww. I have a bunch that are about that age range. Maggie remains from our original, very first order of chicks!
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