Recent content by FlockVillemaire

  1. F

    WARNING: Cackle Hatchery

    Yes, Congress sets the "rules", but with the slow & painful death of this once honorable public service in mind! They've required USPS to pay ahead retirements for unborn workers!
  2. F

    Comment by 'FlockVillemaire' in article 'I think I have a cockerel. Now what do I do?'

    And I was surprised at my local feed store to learn that they will take cockerels/roosters! Not just their own chicks, but also those acquired elsewhere. They will sell them for either breeding/protection or someone's table, but for those who can't handle or aren't allowed to have them, this...
  3. F

    How do I take two hens chicks?

    I am a 2-year newbie, now adding chicks with my broody virginal Olive Egger, Livvie. She is most fiercely protecting them all (now in week 2), but after I pick any of them up, she attacks THEM and I have to attract her extreme ire to protect them! (I now put them in a chick-accessible round of...
  4. F


    As a 2-year newbie I'm attempting a modified combo to expand my flock of 8 amazing, mostly Heritage mixed flock of hens. I succeeded in placing 6 new day-old chicks (including at least one cockerel for safety & sustainability!) at their first night under my virginal, yet 2-week intensely BROODY...
  5. F

    Is Acanthus Mollis (bears breeches) toxic to chickens?

    I did just read of its non-toxicity and high mucilage/tannin content for both internal and external medicinality, but warns that in mild winter regions like my Zone 9B, it spreads aggressively by roots unless very effective bamboo-type root barriers used. It is perennial down to zone 5...
  6. F

    Is Acanthus Mollis (bears breeches) toxic to chickens?

    I just acquired one after a "nextdoor" neighbor showed how many plantings of Acanthus mollis his small backyard flock had access to for 6 years! His very healthy appearing chooks did not eat it, but benefitted from the lovely shade and grub communities that it supported. I am not finding any...
  7. F

    How to put day old chicks under a broody hen.....

    I am trying this tonight with my Olive Egger. Not a recommended breed, but she is very insistent so I ordered 5 chicks that I picked up today, though given 6 instead! I will go make a few adjustments to her broody nest/enclosure before dark after reading your excellent post and bring the chicks...
  8. F

    Comment by 'FlockVillemaire' in item 'Olive Egger'

    So you do understand that the parentage of F1 Olive Eggers ONLY require a Blue Egger and Brown (Chocolate or Light) to breed! Any temperament, productivity, feathering, SIZE or climate durability can happen depending on the parents' genes, known and unknown! Olive eggs are even not 100%...
  9. F

    Review by 'FlockVillemaire' on item 'Olive Egger'

    :hmm Hard to tell what you'll get with a cross-bred chicken like the Olive Eggers unless you know the specific parents or even parentage breeds! My "Livvie" appears to be Crested Cream Legbar (blue) crossed with a Plymouth Barred Rock (brown)??? She's just turning two, a teensy bit flighty and...
  10. F

    Free range hens could care less?

    Recently watched an interview video on the best nutrition for laying hens. It was the highly censored Dr. Mercola and a pastured egg producer from Michigan. Mercola, a super health optimizer, believes that the best Omega 3's which we all get far too few of, (people and chickens alike!) come from...
  11. F

    Best Breeds For Free Ranging?

    I have eight different breeds, turning 2 this spring, safely (knock on wood!) free ranging during the day with moderate tree cover. The only attack was a hawk that went after my stunningly white Light Brahma,when she was about 7 months old! I thought I had lost her, but there was no blood at...
  12. F

    Welsummer x Cream Legbar chicks auto sexing?

    Is there any chance a Welsummer roo's spotted genes could also carry through with any crosses to other Heritage or cross breeds? I'm planning on getting a Welsummer roo for my almost 2-year-old newbie mixed flock of eight different Heritage breeds/crosses. I have one hen of each: Welsummer Light...
  13. F

    Mealworms (Saw on America’s Heartland Tv Show)

    I just 2 days ago watched a fantastic interview by the most highly censored Floridian Dr. Mercola (so he now only leaves it up for 2 days for self-protection!) with high-end egg-producer Ashley Armstrong from Michigan. Both are health optimizers seeking Omega 3's and avoiding Omega 6/Linoleic...
  14. F

    Live minnows or crickets for my chickens?

    Certain bird species are famous for their poisonous snake prey, why wouldn't chickens share some of those skills on scorpions?
  15. F

    Poll: How was your coop built?

    I INHERITED an adorable home-built coop/run from my 85 year old dad who passed weirdly happily at home from cancer during the Covid lockdown. (He lived longer than all his immediate family who died too young!) But you all know that damn chicken math issue. He had built it for just his 4...
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