Recent content by GrootHomestead

  1. G

    One (ish) year old Indian Runners not laying eggs

    Hey everyone just wanted to give an update. Since we’ve implemented the changes to feed and added in some extra light to the hen house , I’m SO happy to say that the eggs are arriving in full force! They started to increase after a few days and now for the last two days we’ve gotten ELEVEN a...
  2. G

    One (ish) year old Indian Runners not laying eggs

    Thank you! We use a goose/duck pellet feed, I sadly can’t remember the brand but it’s just what our local feed store has.
  3. G

    One (ish) year old Indian Runners not laying eggs

    Ahh good to know about the temperature, I was worried about that! We do have a light that we’re now going to keep on for a bit longer to help extend the “daylight”. It’s finally starting to get lighter this time of year but the days are still pretty short. Also thank you for the advice in...
  4. G

    One (ish) year old Indian Runners not laying eggs

    We currently don’t have oysters available to them but I did pick some up. I hadn’t had them as the shells are plenty hard, should that be available at all times even when shells are hard? I’m guessing that a mineral deficiency wouldn’t help them lay eggs though! Thank you for the advice!!
  5. G

    One (ish) year old Indian Runners not laying eggs

    Ahh ok thank you for the advice! I had read that you could add in more grain to supplement the food but alas many other things I’ve read in that book have not held true 🤪 I picked up some mealworms today as well.. is that an ok source of protein for them or should that be considered a “treat”?!
  6. G

    One (ish) year old Indian Runners not laying eggs

    Hello all! I have a couple questions on Indian Runners. We have 10 female and two male runners that were born may 7th of last year. We also have two female khaki cam bells that were born in March. So all told we have 12 females and two males. Our problem is that we are not getting very many...
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