Recent content by Hoader_of_Hens

  1. Hoader_of_Hens

    The one-legged chick

    He's doing good! I've been working with him on flying from point A to point B rather than dragging his leg behind him. I have also been trying to help strengthen the other leg but I'm sure this will all take time. I was worried that he was going to get picked on by the rest of the flock but...
  2. Hoader_of_Hens

    I am so confused about what I have

    Do you think that 'No Name' is a female Mystic and 'Tux' is a male Mystic?
  3. Hoader_of_Hens

    I am so confused about what I have

    I am a brand new chicken owner. I barely know what I'm doing or what I'm looking at so I need all of your guidance before I do anything dramatic. About 6 weeks ago I bought a straight run mix of chicks from a local breeder. In my order I bought X2 Mille Fleur D'ucelle, X2 Mystic Marans, X2...
  4. Hoader_of_Hens

    Hen or Roo?

    Hi all 👋🏻 About a month ago I bought a straight run of chicks from a fabulous local breeder. I ended up getting 2 Mille fleur d'uccle, 2 mystic marans, 2 Buff black copper marans X, and 2 Wyandotte Maran X. The chicks that I have become most attached to are the Buff X, they have been almost...
  5. Hoader_of_Hens

    The one-legged chick

    Update on Uno. Uno appears to be doing very well, the foot has not completely detached but the leg looks MUCH better! We have been keeping the chick separate during the day and allowing it to sleep in the brooder with the other chicks at night which seems to be working very well.
  6. Hoader_of_Hens

    Is this overkill??

    My husband is in the process of building a similar sized coop for our 10 chickens (4 of which bantams) ... Our enclosed coop is 8x8 with 4 nesting boxes and the covered run is 8x16. I do not think that 8x8 is overkill, as a previous poster said, inclement weather can keep them coop bound for a...
  7. Hoader_of_Hens

    The one-legged chick

    Thank you so much!!! This is all extremely helpful! I have attached photos of the leg when it shriveled up and then yesterday when it was mostly detached after the other chicks pecked at it. There is no exposed bone, and while the image of partially detached foot is disturbing, when I inspected...
  8. Hoader_of_Hens

    The one-legged chick

    Hi all! Approximately 1 week ago I picked up 8 baby chicks from a local breeder. The chicks seemed to be thriving but after a few days I noticed that one of the chick's foot was smaller than the other. I decided to keep a close eye and monitor the situation. The chick seemed to be eating...
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