Recent content by JedJackson

  1. JedJackson

    Introducing a lot of chickens to a few hens

    I forgot to add that the coop is probably too small for that many birds. 3 to 5 square feet is the minimum recommended amount. If I were you, I would either make it bigger or sell some of your birds.
  2. JedJackson

    Was supposed to be a CCL- Now not so sure?

    Yeah, the gold one doesn't look to have barring on the feathers. Looks more like an Easter egger or olive egger to me than a Legbar.
  3. JedJackson

    Introducing a lot of chickens to a few hens

    If possible, divide up the coop and run for a while so they can see but not hurt each other. Honestly, I think the older hens are going to be overwhelmed by that number of new birds, so it's going to be chaos no matter what you do. It's going to be stressful for the birds and you can expect...
  4. JedJackson

    Millie Fleur D’uccle & Porcelain D’uccles gender guess

    I think that's a myth, myself. They are individuals and carry themselves and act differently according to personality.
  5. JedJackson

    Frizzle help?

    Give it another couple of weeks. If they are frizzles, you should know it by then, because the wing feathers will curve outward.
  6. JedJackson

    Millie Fleur D’uccle & Porcelain D’uccles gender guess

    There is no way to tell at this age. Keep your eyes on comb size and color. Larger/redder combs coming in early means you have a boy. 6 weeks old is about the right time to start determining gender unless you get an obvious boy earlier.
  7. JedJackson

    Want to know the breed, supposed to be Americana from rural king

    Americana is just a hatchery word for Easter eggers. Ameraucanas are spelled differently and are purebred. Also quite expensive. They only come in a few colors, and your bird isn't one of them. They will also never have green or yellow legs. Easter eggers can lay many different colors of eggs...
  8. JedJackson

    Identify my chick

    Yeah, the hatcheries sell tons of hybrids now, so if the chick isn't easily identifiable then it is usually a hybrid.
  9. JedJackson

    Want to know the breed, supposed to be Americana from rural king

    It's an Easter egger. Can't see the comb well, but I think it is a pullet based on plumage color/pattern. Would need good, clear photos of the silikies' combs to have a go at telling their genders.
  10. JedJackson

    Free chick - What's the breed?

    Looks like an Easter egger to me, It has a pea comb, I believe.
  11. JedJackson

    Breed and gender please

    Gosh, that's horrible. I'm sorry you've had that experience. For most it is just the combs. With some, like partridge Cochins and silver Phoenix, males and females have different coloring, but that's not true in most color varieties.
  12. JedJackson

    These two are confusing.

    Looks like they are a laying hybrid offered by MyPetChicken. Cream colored eggs.
  13. JedJackson

    Male or Female

    I agree. It's a girl.
  14. JedJackson

    What color is this please

    Easter eggers have mixed color genetics, but this is closest to splash in color. Pretty bird!
  15. JedJackson

    Breed and gender please

    1 is looking like a probably cockerel. Not sure of the breed. Maybe splash Rosecomb bantam. 2 Porcelain D'Uccle cockerel. 3 Millie Fleur D'Uccle cockerel. 4 Partridge Cochin cockerel. 5 Rhode Island red bantam cockerel. 6 Probably a barred rock bantam cockerel, going by color. Comb isn't...
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