Recent content by Lauren84

  1. Lauren84

    Laying eggs unusually

    Hello all, On Tuesday when I came home my 8 month old Indian Runner Custard seemed very quiet and still. Not her usual cheeky self. Shortly after this she laid an egg without a proper shell, it had a sort of soft membrane. Now this was unusual because Custard has been laying 2 eggs a day for...
  2. Lauren84

    Bruised beak

    @Miss Lydia Hello, I wanted to give you the good news about Custards beak. It is looking much better now, I think it was a blood blister she had. After a few weeks the blood was absorbed and then last week Custard was a bit cheeky and rubbed the scab off from it while foraging. She has a small...
  3. Lauren84

    Bruised beak

    Hello @Miss Lydia I tried to take some better pictures before they went to bed. It seems like smooth bruise to me , I don’t think its split.🤞 Theres a graze underneath the bruise though. We cleaned her beak up and gave Custard more Vetericyn before bed.
  4. Lauren84

    Bruised beak

    Hello @Miss Lydia I took a picture of Custard’s beak this morning, it was still a bit dark so its not the best picture but you can see how the bruise has gone very dark now and how its a bit raised. She was being a bit of fidget.
  5. Lauren84

    Bruised beak

    Hello @Miss Lydia, Custard seems okay, thank you for checking up on her :).The bruise has gone a darker purple now, I thought it was a good sign that there doesn’t seem to be any new trauma or bruising to her beak. There is a bump from the bruise though today. She laid an egg last night which...
  6. Lauren84

    Bruised beak

    Thank you very much Miss Lydia, I will make sure to follow your advice.I hope Custards beak will be okay and its just superficial🤞.She seemed in good spirits despite everything.
  7. Lauren84

    Bruised beak

    Hello, My 6 month old Indian Runner Custard got her beak stuck in the run whilst I was at work. She has red bruising and a graze below it from where her beak was stuck. I have put Vetericyn spray on it. She is still foraging happily but I’m worried that she might hurt her beak more when its...
  8. Lauren84

    Ducks beak faded to pale colour

    Thank you, I’m glad :). She is the sweetest.
  9. Lauren84

    Ducks beak faded to pale colour

    Hello, My 6 month old Indian Runner Custard’s beak has become very pale over the last few weeks. It used to be a really bright orange colour, now its almost white at the end, she also has some dark spots that have come up on her beak. Custard has started laying over the past few months and is...
  10. Lauren84

    My duck has a small raised bump on his beak

    Thank you Miss Lydia 😁, I will try that at night time good idea. Is there a particular antibiotic ointment to use that is safe for ducks? Donald is such a sweet boy, we love him to bits.
  11. Lauren84

    My duck has a small raised bump on his beak

    Good morning all, I noticed a few days ago that my indian runner Donald has a red bump on his beak. Has anyone had this happen before to their ducks? Is it a little bump or bruise from foraging that will heal over time or could it be something more sinister? He is still a very happy duck...
  12. Lauren84

    First Egg

    Thank you Miss Lydia, she’s less than 20 weeks old so I didn’t have her on layer feed before but I do now. Thank you for the advice. Custard is doing much better now and seems like her usual self. Maybe she was just feeling especially tired afterwards. Hopefully with her new food and the...
  13. Lauren84

    First Egg

    Help! Today whilst I was at work my duck Custard laid her first egg but there was some kind of cord attached. Is this normal? My duck seems very sad and tired now. Also could anyone recommend food I could buy in the UK or any special supplements for laying ducks? I already give my ducks...
  14. Lauren84

    Is it possible for drakes and female ducks to live together without having ducklings

    In May we rescued 3 beautiful ducklings. They are a few months old now and we believe that 2 are females and 1 is a drake. They have all been together since they hatched and although they are still young are so happy as a group. Always together swimming and foraging. We love all 3 of them...
  15. Lauren84

    Can my ducklings sleep in their run?

    Thank you very much, sorry it’s my first time on backyard chickens and I’m still figuring it out :).
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