Recent content by LiizardWiitch

  1. LiizardWiitch

    Rooster suddenly attacking one hen

    So i let him out of his dog kennel for a minute. He went straight for that hen and then another when i scooped her up. He also charged at the kennel door when i put him back. So im thinking bye bye time for him as i wont tolerate having an aggressive rooster. My hens seem much more relaxed when...
  2. LiizardWiitch

    Rooster suddenly attacking one hen

    Ive noticed my rooster also used to the pile with the girls and now he sits on a roosting post away from them. Could be the heat but idk
  3. LiizardWiitch

    Rooster suddenly attacking one hen

    So ive noticed some hens in the group is also picking on her after separating her for the day not as severly though, nore normal pecking order. Shes not running away from them. The hen getting picked on is not and has never been a dominent hen she is one of the lowest of the group already. Im...
  4. LiizardWiitch

    Rooster suddenly attacking one hen

    I choose to keep her in the smaller coop with 3 juvinelle silkies while i am at work at least. And then i will let them free range together tonight and see how they do. Probably going to do this for the next several days. Its weird cause they have moments of being fine together and then bam he...
  5. LiizardWiitch

    Rooster suddenly attacking one hen

    I was actually thinkong about romoving my rooster from the flock for the weekend amd them adding him back in to see if this helped. I care more about my hens wellbeing so my rooster is gonna be living in a dog kennel for the next few days.
  6. LiizardWiitch

    Rooster suddenly attacking one hen

    I have a flock of silkies and they are all reaching a year old. I have a silkie rooster about the same age in there with them. He was raised with them from chicks. Hes never been mean to me and he does great around hatching chicks and little ones, but suddenly this week he is beating the...
  7. LiizardWiitch

    Wry neck

    The chick has greatly improved thank you so much.
  8. LiizardWiitch

    Wry neck

    Okay i stopped antibitoics and have been doing the rooster booster with the added crushed 1/3 b complex tablet and a tablet of vitamin e 400 iu. Should i be doing this twice daily still or just once? I wanna say the chick seems slightly better since doing this too, but i did do it twice yesterday.
  9. LiizardWiitch

    Wry neck

    I have only been doing rooster booster but i can try adding meds. I saw a forum saying that antibiotics might help in that case, but i can stop giving those. Im moatly concerned that the chick is struggling to drink so much
  10. LiizardWiitch

    Wry neck

    I have a 9 week old silkie chick with terrible wry neck. Ive been doing the typical vitamin treatments for about 6 days and antibiotics for 3 days. This poor chick is not getting better. It has moments where it can stand upright and walk around, but if it tried to drink on its own its neck get...
  11. LiizardWiitch

    Silkie genders

    They are about 10 weeks now im thinking the darker one might be a roo? And then a hen? Or both roos?
  12. LiizardWiitch

    Egg hatching but one hatched early

    I have 10 eggs in my incubator... 3 hatched last night day 21, on day 22 and I can see pips in 2 more eggs... BUT my first egg hatched day 19 so hes going on almost 72 hours in the Incubator now. Should i risk taking him out or should i try to very quickly just put a SMALL amount of food and...
  13. LiizardWiitch

    Hens with chicks

    Thanks i feel like im just overthinking it lol
  14. LiizardWiitch

    Hens with chicks

    I cureently have 1 hen with 2 chicks and 2 hens with 2 chicks between the 2 of them. The 1 hen that is alone is doing a much better job with the chicks. Im debating taking the 2 from the 2 hens and giving it to the hen that has 2 chicks already. How would i go about breaking the broodiness of...
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