Recent content by lovesfarms

  1. lovesfarms

    Official Squatch Watchers

    I haven't been up to date on this forum but I wanted to say... My heart goes out to to! I am glad you are able to share, we CARE. Hugs and prayers for you and your family. I'm amazed at your persistent strength
  2. lovesfarms

    The Old Folks Home

    The first mowing of the season. The 2 Dogwood trees are in full bloom. The view from my backdoor.
  3. lovesfarms

    The Old Folks Home

    Sooo amazing having a rooster! So far so good.Love seeing all the chickens tucked under his wings at night with the cold weather here. Makes me feel more comfortable in a warm house Was bleeding the boiler this morning. I don't understand where all the black sludge water comes from. It's the...
  4. lovesfarms

    The Old Folks Home

    The pantry is stocked, the oil tank is filled, chickens fed, puppies napping.... Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! Actually, the snow is here whether we are ready or not!!! But it is a very good feeling seeing the chickens are well feathered so they can be outside.
  5. lovesfarms

    The Old Folks Home

    I hear you! I miss a local Home Depot or Lowes more then a variety of food stores. Walmart superstore is 12 miles away and the closest grocery store. It's not just the prices are higher and less variety, but when you have a frozen washer faucet and pay the plumber$100 to come out because you...
  6. lovesfarms

    The Old Folks Home

    The moult is history, chickens are well dressed and with the temp in the teens, they are laying again. Yay for good eggs again! I'm glad for all the green grass
  7. lovesfarms

    The Old Folks Home

    A dedicated pup is one who stays by his masters coat, trusting they will even eventually return! What fun it is watching both him and the chickens share my lap... It gets better with practice but the chickens are bigger and have no intentions of giving up to the new comer!
  8. lovesfarms

    The Old Folks Home

    I'm with you on that. The warmth of the sun warms deep into the bones and soul. A healing balm.
  9. lovesfarms

    The Old Folks Home

    Me too
  10. lovesfarms

    The Old Folks Home

    There's too many people feeding feral cats in the neighborhood = lots of stinky cat piles in the yard.
  11. lovesfarms

    The Old Folks Home

    I don't think it's stopped raining once today.
  12. lovesfarms

    The Old Folks Home

    At least the poops are smaller then stray cat poops!!
  13. lovesfarms

    The Old Folks Home

    Our thermostat was blank this week so no heat. I never new a thermostat runs on batteries. And being we just moved in, I couldn't figure out how to turn the heat on with the thermostat in the other heating zone. I couldn't even figure it out with YouTube. The guy before us had it set on a...
  14. lovesfarms

    The Old Folks Home

    It's been raining all day here and the chickens are busy digging for worms. I turned the heat up to make it more comfortable for the new addition. At 8 weeks he's a bit more comfortable when it's warm
  15. lovesfarms

    The Old Folks Home

    So much to be thankful for& right now I'm thankful we have so many good Drs! After moving, this month is time to make up the Appointments we were pushing off. Dh was at the plastic surgeon where he was referred to instead of being referred to a dermatologist. Thankful he removed the skin cancer...
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