Recent content by My Very First 6 Chickens

  1. My Very First 6 Chickens

    What is this

    I did see that thank you. I wont get it until the 18th and feel by then it may be too late.....
  2. My Very First 6 Chickens

    What is this

    I cant buy it online without a prescription!
  3. My Very First 6 Chickens

    What is this

    Should I be looking at fish stores for other antibiotics? Not bringing her to vet. They want $250 for a consult in CT. Thank you
  4. My Very First 6 Chickens

    What is this

    The only option I have is Baytril or enrofloxacin.
  5. My Very First 6 Chickens

    What is this

    I treated my hen with dewormer this AM. Would it be ok to give her Baytril for her lash egg the same day? Thank you
  6. My Very First 6 Chickens

    What is this

    Thank you. What kind of antibiotics do you think she would need? Also, can i get it without a veterinarian visit?? Thanks again
  7. My Very First 6 Chickens

    What is this

    This came out......what the???
  8. My Very First 6 Chickens

    What is this

    2 hours after bath, she napped, and then i seen this!!!
  9. My Very First 6 Chickens

    How to get doxycycline without a prescription?!

    The deworm i gave today, 1.25ml through a syringe. I should do this again tomorrow? Same amount? I read 10 days later. I'm more worried about the broken egg inside her as i think thats the priority, or no? Thank you.
  10. My Very First 6 Chickens

    How to get doxycycline without a prescription?!

    I do not know how to tube feed. The thought is scary but I'm willing to learn?! 🐓🙏❤️
  11. My Very First 6 Chickens

    What is this

    So the hen had the worm and has a broken egg in her. I wormed first, and have given 2 epsom salt baths which resulted in scrambled egg droppings.
  12. My Very First 6 Chickens

    How to get doxycycline without a prescription?!

    Thank you. I am dealing with her soft egg issues only so i thought....She seems to be laying soft eggs or dropping them from roost. last night, she layed somewhat of an egg on the run floor, and put herself to bed in nest well before roost time. This morning still in nest, no egg, inside for...
  13. My Very First 6 Chickens

    How to get doxycycline without a prescription?!

    Hello, any trick to get doxycycline for a hen without paying 250 to go to a vet? Thank you. 🙏 🐓❤️
  14. My Very First 6 Chickens

    What is this

    I administered to the one hen only with the worm. Is it 100 necessary to give it to every single bird???
  15. My Very First 6 Chickens

    What is this

    This is it, right? This, correct? This it?
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