Recent content by NevadaEmma

  1. NevadaEmma

    Mystery chicks, help please!

    Update - I almost lost one of the smallest yellow and black/grey chicks. Good lesson on poopy butt with tiny chicks. She is fine but still suffers from poopy butt everyday. She gets so cold that I usually hold her until she warms up after the de-pooping. The orange ones are a delight...
  2. NevadaEmma

    tiny chick opening and closing mouth as though gasping

    Well she seems maybe better? I warmed her up, got a little water down her and she ate a bit of watermelon in little tiny pieces. Then I mixed some chick food with a bit of water and she enjoyed that. She also had two fairly large poops. She is still wobbly but she is back with some of the...
  3. NevadaEmma

    tiny chick opening and closing mouth as though gasping

    i have a very small chick that came in a mystery box along with my order. she had terrible poopy butt that i cleaned. she was quite wet. i dried her off and wrapped her in a warm piece of flannel. when i checked her a few minutes later she could not stand well and kept her wings away from her body.
  4. NevadaEmma

    Mystery chicks, help please!

    Yes, that will be the fun part of the mystery chicks. The orange/yellow ones are so pretty and do not make a fuss when I pick them up. Thanks again. C
  5. NevadaEmma

    Mystery chicks, help please!

    Seems to me from looking online that my chicpmunk one (2nd photo) could be the golden phoenix. And Valley Hatchery sells them. The hatchery does not sell the Gold cuckoo marans though. I have two of these. At first I thought they (and the chipmunk) were bantams as they are at least a third...
  6. NevadaEmma

    Mystery chicks, help please!

    I ordered 8 Salmon Faverolle chicks from Valley Hatchery LLC. Two boxes arrived right on time (actually a few hours earlier than I thought). The first box contained the 8 SF chicks. Puzzeled, I opened the second bigger box to find 15 chicks on one side of the divided box. I thought I picked...
  7. NevadaEmma

    None of the 22 eggs I placed in my Nurture Right 360 incubator hatched!

    Thanks. I do not have a problem with temperature fluctuations, but only with the humidity. I think that the early drop to 26 degrees one night stopped the developement of all but possibly 4 eggs. There was nothing when I candeled them at about 10 days or so. The four that seemed possible...
  8. NevadaEmma

    None of the 22 eggs I placed in my Nurture Right 360 incubator hatched!

    Will do. I do not know if it can be calibrated, but that is a good idea to look into. It has worked satisfactorily in the past. I think it could be better though.
  9. NevadaEmma

    None of the 22 eggs I placed in my Nurture Right 360 incubator hatched!

    I do wet hatches. I was really looking forward to this group hatching as I lost 6 hens and my spare rooster (who was going to be gorgeous) to a couple of hunting dogs. No blood, the necks were just snapped. I thought I had used the eggs from the hens before the attack. Thankfully my husbands...
  10. NevadaEmma

    None of the 22 eggs I placed in my Nurture Right 360 incubator hatched!

    OOOOppps! I meant the HUMIDITY, not the temperature.
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