Recent content by NewAtThis8

  1. N

    Niacin deficiency?

    Thank you! I realize after re-reading, the update looked like it had a bleak outcome. And to be honest for a bit I thought it would. I know that we will lose him one day, but I’m glad it’s not today and I hope that I can continue to do whatever I can to support him in this life. He’s so...
  2. N

    Niacin deficiency?

    Just an update- since November Stan got better and then way worse. He had a few good weeks and then his right leg swelled and no antibiotics fixed it. He had a joint tap which grew nothing and perplexed everyone. He lost a bunch of feathers and weight- from 9 lbs to 6.5-7. I sought a...
  3. N


    So I had this start back in Feb/March- one of my chickens (lowest on the pecking order) had a completely bald butt. I didn’t see anything on her or in the coop so I thought it had to be feather picking. However, over the last month others have come down with similar feather loss. The last...
  4. N

    Khaki Campbell - 5 weeks old

    Here’s some “quacks” - they are quite vocal especially when separated but I’m just not sold on this being a duck quack vs drake quack. Again, the Pekins didn’t sound like this at all- they were more like a “squawk” at this age. Ruby Henry
  5. N

    Khaki Campbell - 5 weeks old

    *i should add that their sex matters in how we are building their run. The Pekins live with my chickens right now but all of the ducks will move to a separate duck run in a few weeks. I’d really like to keep a bachelor flock but if there are hens here I may have to keep the drakes separate...
  6. N

    Khaki Campbell - 5 weeks old

    The babies are 5 weeks old -ish, and I’m stumped. My pekins I could tell at this age that they were boys based on their voices. However, these two are quacking much more pronounced than the pekins did, yet they still sound raspy to me. So I’m not sold on it… I’ve read you can tell by bean...
  7. N

    Heimlich ate plastic

    Hummm I wonder if they ended up ok. Commenters seemed unconcerned- I tend to freak out about everything. He seems great right now. We’ve got a camera on their run.
  8. N

    Heimlich ate plastic

    How long do they usually take to process food? I have a friend whose chicken ate something foreign (she never found out what it was, but it was likely metal and sharp because it tore her up coming out) and she’s fine now. I’m hoping for this scenario…. But if i call the vet for help it’ll be...
  9. N

    Heimlich ate plastic

    One time my dog ate a stick of butter including the wax paper wrapping…. I had to chase him around the yard with a turkey baster full of peroxide to make him throw it up. It was not a good time. But I don’t know if you can make a duck throw up and if that’s the way.. really getting a run for...
  10. N

    Heimlich ate plastic

    The piece was probably half the size of my palm… he’s a big duck. He’s a jumbo Pekin, a year old, and probably weighs about 13 lbs.
  11. N

    Heimlich ate plastic

    😑 ironic, I know. But my duck, Heimlich, got hold of a piece of what looked like soft plastic wrapping that was in the back yard today. He swallowed it before I could grab it. How worried should I be about this….? If it’s soft and malleable is there a good chance he will pass it or is it...
  12. N

    Is this normal?

    it seems better today; I haven’t seen the bubbles since yesterday but the vet said it’s related to whatever is going on with his sinuses. His air sacs / heart / lungs are good but the culture, while not ready, looks like it’s growing bacteria so I’m waiting to hear back tomorrow. As an aside...
  13. N

    Is this normal?

    He has little bubbles in the lower left corner of his eye
  14. N

    Is this normal?

    *heimlich, my other drake, does go after his face/head often when in the pool. It’s getting to be “that time of year” so I separate them a lot. Can this happen because of injury too? Just seems too coincidental tho the sinus thing. I did call the vet, waiting for a call back. But it’s...
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