Recent content by nilihanth

  1. N

    Very injured beak. Need advice please

    Final update: The beak somehow has been regrowing and looks much better. The broken part has fallen off.
  2. N

    Very injured beak. Need advice please

    Update: So I'm suspecting her beak wound might have been self-inflicted. Or at the least, earned. She might be our sweetheart but I think she is a little aggressive toward the other hens. I went in the run to hand-feed her with the purpose of checking her behavior and she pecked away 2-3...
  3. N

    Very injured beak. Need advice please

    She gingerly eats feed pellets out of my hand. Also she is hiding in the coop while the other hens are outside
  4. N

    Very injured beak. Need advice please

    My hen has a very injured beak as seen in the attached pictures. Unsure of when this occurred but likely within 1-2 days. I’m also not sure what caused it as we have not noticed any violence among the hens when we’re around. No roosters. Any advice is appreciated. She’s our little sweetheart.
  5. N

    Favourite Pickled egg recipes!

    I hard-boil 24 eggs in my instant pot. ~23 of them fit in a Koegle's Pickled Egg jar nice and snug. With that in mind, this is the recipe I have used: 3 cups apple cider vinegar 2 Tbsp salt 1 Tbsp sugar Dissolve the salt and sugar into the vinegar over heat and then let it cool completely...
  6. N

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    My Lavender Orpington, Sonora on her first day with us 3 weeks ago, on her way to peck at the lens on my phone.
  7. N

    Yogurt whey used for a mash for chicks?

    No specific concern for chicks then? I was worried that the babies would be getting too much of something where adult chickens can handle it. From most of the replies, it sounds like it might not be a big deal. I might try @Perris suggestion of just offering them a little dish of it and see...
  8. N

    Yogurt whey used for a mash for chicks?

    If I were to use homemade yogurt whey as the liquid part of a mash for the chicks, would it be good or bad or something in-between? 2 things led me to this question: I am often making yogurt, and I just got 10 chicks for my first time ever. I hesitate doing it only because I know how tricky...
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