Recent content by nuthatched

  1. nuthatched

    niederrheiner chicks?

    McMurray has them, availability is another question
  2. nuthatched

    Help identify my chicks.

    Too early to say yet. They can go outside with heat, no need to stay in at this age
  3. nuthatched

    Week old quail pecking at food but missing

    What is the tonic?
  4. nuthatched

    Odd Egg-shell

    Just calcium deposits.
  5. nuthatched

    Red rashy skin and loss of feathers. Hasn’t laid an egg since February.

    That's a horrible feed, the protein under the minimum threshold. It doesn't help that she's also getting scratch and mealworms, i.e junk food, to dilute her nutrition Switch to a chick feed or flock raiser feed with at least 18% protein, stop or drastically reduce the scratch and mealworms. The...
  6. nuthatched

    Hen has white spots on back of earlobe

    Can you get closer pictures? It could be natural pigments or a fungus
  7. nuthatched

    Chicken STILL not laying

    What protein layer feed? Any ideas on ages? Did worm them? You could have been sold old hens
  8. nuthatched

    Chicken STILL not laying

    Diet? Where did you get them?
  9. nuthatched

    State of Illinois my new Predator does that make Illinois a predator? Sounds like a dreadful accident. Bird flu is a real ailment, however the "solutions" are unwarranted.
  10. nuthatched

    Chick and Duckling Food

    Yes, it's just a Niacin boost.
  11. nuthatched

    Chick and Duckling Food

    An Flock crumble or chick starter will be fine. You may need to add nutritional yeast to the food for the ducks for extra niacin.
  12. nuthatched

    First Time For Chicken Having Worms

    What product were you looking at? No, acv does nothing for any worms. Neither does garlic, d.e, or Chile flakes.
  13. nuthatched

    Question of the Day - Friday, May 31st, 2024

    How we defining 'modern'?
  14. nuthatched

    Hope for poor egg layer?

    What's her diet?
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