Recent content by OldSchoolSarge

  1. OldSchoolSarge

    Falling Down Heights, my daily life

    My goslings liked to nibble on me, too, but at not quite a year old they don't do it anymore. They DO, however, let me handle them, even picking them off their nests to check for extra eggs! Hopefully, your geese will be likewise!🤞
  2. OldSchoolSarge

    How to go about making a creep feeder for baby goslings being raised by mother...

    Ok, so I have a unique situation. I have a mixed flock (ducks, geese, and chickens at the moment) that share a coop at night. I don't currently have a way to separate them. They all free-range during the day. A week ago, I had a mama goose hatch out 9 babies. Sadly, 1 passed at 2 days old...
  3. OldSchoolSarge

    Please help with goose breed and possible sex...

    Should have added, based on the lack of knob bud, I'd guess Toulouse!
  4. OldSchoolSarge

    Please help with goose breed and possible sex...

    I'll be honest, they don't appear to be either, mostly bc they have a v at the top of their bill, so doesn't seem like they'll have knobs...otherwise, they look almost identical to my African goslings, except their bills appear thicker/shorter due to the knob bud. My experience (limited though...
  5. OldSchoolSarge

    Does anyone know of a sure-fire way to tell the difference between Starlight Green Eggers and Calico Princess??

    Definitely agree! We have Buff Orpingtons, which are supposed to be "friendly and calm", yet the 4 that we have are some of the most skittish, flighty, mean birds we have.🙄
  6. OldSchoolSarge

    Falling Down Heights, my daily life

    Absolutely adorable!!😍 Love the names!
  7. OldSchoolSarge

    Babies started pipping, I'm in need of distractions!!

    Wanted to update, goslings hatched within 3 days of duck eggs, didn't end up being an issue!
  8. OldSchoolSarge

    candling two goose eggs on day 31 are they dead or alive?

    I used a large cottage cheese container (48 ounce one from Wegmans). I swapped it out for a shallow 8 ounce whipped cream container. The water is really only for overnight, they're free-range during the day and have access to a pond. The issue doesn't seem to be them getting in so much as being...
  9. OldSchoolSarge

    candling two goose eggs on day 31 are they dead or alive?

    Thanks! It was a learning experience, didn't think the booger could even get in it!
  10. OldSchoolSarge

    candling two goose eggs on day 31 are they dead or alive?

    I had one of my new babies drown in mama's water overnight, so I sympathize!🙁
  11. OldSchoolSarge

    candling two goose eggs on day 31 are they dead or alive?

    I wouldn't. Looks like baby got stuck and passed while trying to turn, but I'm not an expert. All the eggs I've candled, once you see shadowing like that there's almost non-stop movement. This is the first year I've actually incubated, though, so follow your gut.
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