Recent content by Rcasady

  1. R

    Broody hen

    This is her first brooding so I'm not sure she's confused or just undecided or something. She's not in the way of other chickens but blocking the other boxes would become a problem. I have 7 other hens that use those boxes. Maybe we'll leave her be and not mess with it and see if anything hatches?.
  2. R

    Broody hen

    I have a 3 year old buff orpington I think had gone broody. She's been laying in a nesting box for about 1 week only coming out for a few minutes and going back in. She was laying on 5 eggs and then just yesterday randomly moved to a different nesting box. Is she abandoning her eggs? Can I put...
  3. R

    Dead Barred Rock

    We treated her for scaly leg mites last month and it worked. I checked her over yesterday when she was moving slow (one of the few times she let me pick her up) nothing seemed abnormal. She was laying eggs still about 1-2 per week.
  4. R

    Dead Barred Rock

    I have a 3 year old barred rock. She was moving slow yesterday but eating and drinking. Came out of the coop this morning and died. I'm not sure why. Is 3 old? I thought they lived longer. Should I be worried about my other chickens? They all seem fine now.
  5. R

    Nesting box and number of chickens

    I have 11 hens and 3 nesting boxes in the coop. Is that enough space as my hens are not laying eggs and have been locked in their run for 5 days without 1 egg laid. They free range on about 10 acres and started laying where we can't find the eggs so we locked them up to re-train them. But now...
  6. R

    Not laying eggs in nesting box

    I have 11 hens (3 that are 2yrs old, 4 that are just over 1yr and 4 pullets just starting to lay. They free range on my property and I haven't gotten any eggs in the nesting boxes. I know they are laying someplace we can't find. We lucked them in their run/coop for the last 2.5 days but I still...
  7. R

    Baby raccoon

    We live in the country on 40 acres. I have a flock of chickens. We found 3 young raccoons no mother seen. My husband thinks we should kill them as they will grow up to be predators to our chickens. I think we should move them as they are young and adorable. What should be done? My chickens are...
  8. R

    Older hens not allowing pullets to roost in coop

    Yes I have enough room for them. I had other hens that we have lost. The coop can hold (comfortably 12 birds) it remains warm, dry and I clean it twice a week. I put fresh herbs and flowers in the nesting box for happy eggs. It just seemed odd that this much time had passed and the pullets still...
  9. R

    Older hens not allowing pullets to roost in coop

    Hello, I have 3 hens & a rooster over 1 year old and 5 pullets. I did the introductions slowly with fencing between the babies and older ones. The babies moved into the main coop about 2 months ago. The older hens accept them in the run, yard and in the main coop but they are only allowed to...
  10. R

    Reintroduction of hen to flock

    I've been quarantining my buff Orpington (Karen) after an injury. She's better but still moving slow. She is in a second coop and run so the flock sees her and even lays next to her but with a fence between them. I keep trying to let her out to move back in with the flock but I have 1 hen that...
  11. R

    My injured hen not laying eggs

    My buff Orpington was injured but the rooster (not a gentle lover) she was gouged under her wings right where he holds her as well as pulled feathers from base of tail. We have quarantined her, cleaned her, dressed her wounds. She is doing much better and will soon be able to be with the rest...
  12. R

    Can hens lay random color and sizes of eggs?

    Our hens are about 1 year old. I've learned each of their egg individualities but yesterday we found a very small speckled egg that does not meet my hens usual eggs. Can they (since they are still young) randomly lay an odd size and color? They have consistently over the last 3 months laid large...
  13. R

    How do I get my hens to sit on fertilized eggs?

    Hello, I'm still new to chicken raising. I just got a new roo and he is really enjoying his harem of girls. I'm thinking of letting one of the hens incubate and hatch babes. Do I just leave eggs in the coop/nesting box? How do I get one to sit on the eggs? How long before the eggs just go bad...
  14. R

    Can I introduce a grown rooster to my established flock of hens safely?

    They mostly hang out in or under the coop otherwise in the winter aerial protection is a bit scarce. I was thinking about a net to go over the run as a roof of sorts but since we free range then primarily we opted to wait on one. I think getting a rooster will be a good idea but should it be...
  15. R

    Can I introduce a grown rooster to my established flock of hens safely?

    I have a secure coop, fenced in run that is buried but is open to the sky. My chickens primarily free range the property. I'm contemplating on keeping them in the run/coop always now. It's a large run but they act like it's the smallest area ever.
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