Recent content by realsis

  1. R

    Chicks dropping like flies

    That first one does look bloody but have they been exposed to soil? They get cocci from a high dose or strain of cocci in the soil that they are not immune too. You can give gradual immunity by placing small amounts of soil into the brooder. Little at a time. Has these chicks been outside on a...
  2. R

    Wry neck not going away…please help ☹️

    Selinium can be ordered from Amazon. From my own experience (going through this now) it takes a solid 4 weeks to show improvement from wry neck. Mix the vitamin together in her food and make a mush with the food by adding water. Remember Selinium is used to help the bird absorb the vitamin E...
  3. R

    8 week old silkie making weird noise

    Yep he's a roo. His crow will get louder and smoother as he gets older. 🐣🐥🐤
  4. R

    I'm very lost

    Cute babies!! Do you find the babies sharing body heat. When they all pile or snuggled together at night. As for your temperature that's pretty darn cold at night so I can't comment. Maybe someone who lives in colder weather can help out with that. My issue is the heat. Put the chicken house...
  5. R

    Poop check

    I'd say it look as a bit of intestional lining. They do shed small bits from time to time. I blew up the pic and that's what it looks like to me. She's not lethargic or sleeping most of the time, showing no symptoms. If she were mine I'd keep a eye on her. If you see actual Red blood then I...
  6. R

    Just got her walking now typical wry neck is appearing. This chick has it hard.

    Update she seems to only do the head tuck backward flip(wry neck) in the late night early morning. Then seems to pull out of it for the day. Has anyone ever seen this? My wry necks have only ever been stuck in the position. I've never seen them go in and out like this. Had anyone had this...
  7. R

    Hen won’t leave the nest after 48 hours

    I had a setting hen die on nest because she was not eating and drinking properly. Make sure yours does because some breeds will sit to death. Especially if stubborn.
  8. R

    4 month silkie poops? part egg shell?

    Yes that looks strange but chickens can not make urine. The do the white cap and yes as she said it's called a urate. You will see it on almost every poo except the cecle poo. It's the stinky runny one. Hope this helps.
  9. R

    6 week old chicks to the coop

    They should be plenty big and not need heat but eco glow is radient heat right? It is not suppose to burn or cause fires is that correct? If it's the safe warmth that won't burn them or set fire to your coop I think it should be ok. They usually snuggle up together if cold in a pile but if your...
  10. R

    Just got her walking now typical wry neck is appearing. This chick has it hard.

    Hi friends. After that B2 defiency pancake is looking great until I noticed last night her head between her legs and her doing summer saults. Thank God it's not completely sticking like silkies I've had did. I think it's just coming on. I ran out of Selinium and it should be here by tomorrow. I...
  11. R

    Chick missing top beak

    Chicken farms burn the beaks of chicken to keep them from pecking each other ( I know it's awful) but they learn to eat. With your help hopeful she/he will be ok. Especially if a little piece is left like you suppose. I know that's a cruel example but it was meant to give hope. Keep us posted on...
  12. R

    I just ordered 10 chicks to replenish my diminishing herd.

    I live in California and order from Ohio hatchery called Meyers. I never had issues with the chicks and never lost more than one chick. They have always been a great hatchery and even with the long distance it hasn't been a issue. Not all hatchery chicks are bad. I actually prefer this hatchery...
  13. R

    Can’t walk, 3 week old

    Could be vitamin defiency. Get a multi poultry vitamin also B2 liquid vitamin, E vitamin capsule and selinium. That helps the vitamin E absorb properly. I Used very very tiny dust of selenium because it can be toxic. I use a small shaving dust of it. I am cautious of it's toxic effects.
  14. R

    3 Day Old Chick Suddenly cannot stand up/balance issues/head turning.

    I agree. I'm dealing with this right now. This takes patience on your part but worth the effort. Get a multi poultry vitamin ( I use poultry cell) then get a liquid vitamin B2 (got mine off Amazon) also buy vitamin E caps(Amazon is cheapest) last buy Selinium tablet. Be very very careful with...
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